Thursday, December 18, 2008
Demistyfying Mech Eng in Imperial (2)-- Reading the university guide
However, as the output quality of the graduates is strictly controlled by uk Government trough independent third party assessment, the teaching quality in each universities wont differ that much. Instead, you properly get the same teaching quality from Imperial and Cardiff for example....
However, Looking into the details in some column of the ranking table might give you slight overview on what you will get in your undergraduates. Here is some guide,
First, forget about the research quality part unless you planning to continue your PhD ( even so it doesnt matter much as you can apply for other uni for your PHD) .
Teaching score: quite important. Together with students satisfaction percentage , can give you a clue on hows the students feel about learning in that university.
Expenditure per students : Important too. Make sure it match the fees you pay ( especially for international students ) . The higher the expense, the higher the benefits you get from uni ( like free lecture notes, fast broadband, sponsored lunch with tutors, fund on clubs so you get everything subsidied, fund on halls so you get activities subsidied etc. )
career prospect : It indicates two things , first, how well known the university are.
Second, how good the university at organizing career fair and helps.
Value added score. Indicator on how the university help you improve you. If you already a good students, just skip it.
Students : stuff ratio. Important, indicator on how much human resource a university can spend on a students. ( For example, in Oxbridge, the personal tutor will have time to check your progress, while in imperial it may not be so ).
The course structure. Which is out of the table. But will determined what you going to learn from your career.
Peer experience. Quite useful. But beware that it maybe biased/ distorted. As people will tend to overlook on what they dont get.
If you are international students outside Uk/Europe, The famous of the students may need to be counted in. However, the most important is your own ability. Which you need to development during Undergraduates study.
Above all, try to maximize fun! Thats very important.
Conclusion: A higher ranking in universities guide does indicate higher percentage of meeting good department in good universities. Sadly, it just a rough indicator which shouldnt be the deciding factor.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Demistyfying Mech Eng in Imperial (1)
First go, Clarify some misunderstanding first.
1. Imperial is one of the prestigeous university around Uk and the world, as it always ranked top in Top university guide.
Nope, the ranking lists where Imperial got the top are either The Times ( Uk ) or Guardian ( Uk ) . You should get what i mean. Furthermore, the Good University guide empasizes large chunk on Ratio of international students, published on profesional magazines, etc. Which are less related to an Undergraduate students here.
2. Imperial is very hard to get in.
Nope, the only two university that hard to get in ( for overall courses ) are Cambridge and Oxford. Theoretically , you need 3/4 As to get in, but practically, getting 3 / 4 As isnt that hard.
3. Lecture here are very compacted, with tonnes of works stacking up for the students.
Nope, taking Mech Eng students for example, you only have like 11 hrs of lecture ( which no attendance is taken ), and 6 hours of tutor class ( where you do all the problem sheets ). Usually you will have one manufacturing/mechatronics/ experimental reporting skill lab per week. which last 2-3 hrs but carry no extra homework with.
Besides, there are two lab report per term, which can be finished in 10 hrs .
The disappointment,
1. Lecture and tutorial. Basically dont covered much on topic we may need to know. Taking Fluid Mechanics as example, we study newtonian equation for shear stress in fluid motion, we study velocity profile, but we dont learn how to construct the equation of streamline.
2. Library. Books concentrate on Textbooks style ( much like Mara college Banting ) . But lack of profesional journalism book to be lend ( like Newsweeks, National Geography, The economist ) .
The surprise:
1. Printer, Multifunction tasking, and the Mech Eng department even put 10 pound credit in your security swipe card .
2. Supporting resources. Moodle are helpful. Lectures note are given in hardcopy and softcopy. Computer rooms opened 24 hrs ( like others uni in Uk ) Even gt shower room inside Department's Toilet.
Bad things:
1. Environment are little bit loosen. Where you can virtually not do anything until exam. Which maybe too late.
2. They dont have good scenery. Places are limited. Sporting facilities are ok-ok. But if you want to plat specific sports, payments need to be made.
3. Accomodation and transportation problem. Next year the students need to move out. Where virtually it is impossible to find cheap place around south kensington campus. ( minimum around 120 pw). If you leave far away, time and cost of transortation will be another problem.
Good things:
1. Connection are Good . ( even wireless is 20 times faster then Malaysia Streamyx Package ) . Only drawback is 5 GB download and Upload limit per day.
2. Design course are interesting . For example, one day we build a cantilever for testing , (See picture below). One day, we take a free ride on the London eye( the ticket is expensive in a way that is not worth it if you buy for it. ) One day, we take a trip to national Science musium. And just today, we made a tower out of one piece if " The Financial Times" newspaper.
Others : More to discuss. If i am paying 6000 per term for the tution fees i might feel little overated for what i got . Anyway, gt to find the way to exploit the college's resource soon.
The bridge we made, which last 3.5 kg.
Looking at the Big Ben from London eye
Friday, December 12, 2008
接着下来, 是交友互动,网络交易, 或者是娱乐媒体的另一个收费平台。
更后来,它成了BT者的天堂, 分享者的乐园, 口袋没钱却想看戏听歌玩游戏追综艺节目的年轻人的香格里拉。
你要电影, 可以上 surf channel, 土豆, 优酷。
你要电影加字幕,可以找subtitled org
你要电视剧或综艺节目, 可以上youtube.
你要漫画, 可以上onemanga.
你要找游戏软件,可以找limewire, BT, emule, 迅雷。
你要找直接下载的文档, 可以在谷歌,搜索文档名字后加上rapidshare, bandogo, sendspace, easyshare, zshare, megaupload 等字眼。
你要下载视频,可以用最新的realmedia player 或orbit 等截取软件。
你要下载不能右键另存的照片, 可以直接存整个网页再到相关文件夹中寻找。
完全杜绝盗版是不可能的, 残酷的说, 我们都得接受盗版的存在。
一是售卖主程序外的精工品, 如正版游戏的包装盒等。
二是抓人气带来的周边收入, 比如说歌手, 代言开演唱会广告接秀的收入远超唱片销量。
三是在主节目中参杂广告信息而不是广告片断, 比如说在电影中的车子型号。
一个人如果习惯了在F1 跑道上极速奔驰,那么当他回到KL尖峰的车龙中,就会非常郁闷,赌烂,想要发泄。
我一旦习惯了30mbps 以上的高速, 打死也不愿意回到streamyxs 1。5mbps 的龟速去,更别提 56kbps 的烂速了。。。。
连新加坡都开始全面铺设光纤网络了, 马来西亚, 何时才能真正提速?
没有10mbps, 请不要和我谈2020 宏愿 !
一, 一幕戏, 周星驰当跑龙套时,成龙客串了一下。
老实说,喜剧之王是周星驰迈向幽默大师的一个里程碑。 它没有周星驰之前电影的无厘头对白, 没有夸张式的动作情景, 没有后来少林足球的高科技,功夫的脱实,长江七号的非常。 它只是边缘人物,跑龙套, 管饭的,三陪女郎,小流氓, 围村乡边, 一系列小人物的故事。 平凡,写实,唏嘘, 令人笑中流泪。
唯一败笔, 是片尾帮Pringles 打的广告。
整出片,没有一段赘戏,每一个人物,场景, 都很好的结合起来。 然而,看电影最重要的, 或者说评断一部片能不能成为百大电影的,是看我们在电影中看到了什么。。。
我看到的, 是坚持, 是那种明知道会被拒绝,仍然厚着脸皮不断打电话去讨没有对白的通告的坚持。
我看到的, 是努力,是那种明知道没有多少人在意,仍然不断凑足演员,观众的努力。
我看到的, 是争取,是那种一有机会, 就表现自己演技的争取。
我看到的, 是自卑,是那种对钟爱对象自觉高攀不起, 然后将身上所有财产都交给对方当‘买夜费‘ 的自卑。
我看到的, 是失落,是那种明明有机会却流失了, 然后很努力想要装没事,却不自觉想补抓消失的那一刻的失落。
我看到的, 是追求, 是那种一直问,有没有对白,有没有的发挥的追求。
我看到的, 是尊严,是那种争取吃饭盒的资格, 争取别人对自己付出认可的尊严。
我看到的, 是满足,是那种哪怕有个观众就能演,哪怕是一句对白的角色也很高兴的满足。
我看到的, 是回归, 是那种在曾经很接近云层, 最后跌下来后,发现自己脚下大地才是最真实的回归。
活着,就要觉得自己有用,就要觉得别人也觉得自己有用,就要觉得自己让别人觉得自己有用。否则就如同行尸走肉, 沦为屎尿。 如果不能做出至少和看门狗同等的贡献,就没有资格去吃那一盒便当。 你,觉得自己有吃那一个饭盒的资格吗?
“努力! 奋斗“
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
9th December....
2. Today have an interesting manufacturing lecture, which know some interesting statement, like :
a) The cause of the rebellion of North America is due to restriction in manufacturing and used of steel, not the Boston tax on tea leaves.
b) Cowboy dont wore gun on their holder, as the guns will rust eventually.
c) Half of the cowboy are black.
d) The story of cowboy is a myth, when railway start building across America, the cowboys getting useless.
e) World famous and most popular used rifle is Kalashnikov's
3. The above are statements, mean you need to find evidence on it.
4. According to weather forecast, tonight, tomorrow and Thuesday the temperature will drop to below zero.
5. Another tragedy happened in Malaysia, where a landslide near 淡江/bukit antarabangsa caused at least 3 deads.
6. Kuala Lumpur Composite Index closed at 835.17 , a decline of 3.11 point from previous day.
7. I still alived!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Some random Pic
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Some thing about my blog....
1. Currently only one third of my blog is written in Chinese, so more will be coming.
2. Its seem that the topic covered are rather wide and random, maybe i should focus more.
Coming Soon :
1. Perhaps some articles in Malay,
2. More pic about life, friends, views, etc.
3. A better layout with more feature?
Updated list:
1. Add a feed list where i can view latest post from my friend.
2. Done labeling,
3. Add 3 more friends blogs.
Thats all, shall review again when posts reached 100 ++
Noted the end of November, the tragedy of Mumbai terrorist attack.
Further details can be found here...
According to the news, One Malaysian woman was killed.
al- Qaeda and a Pakistan militant group were suspected to involved in the actions, yet, no Official attribution of responsibility was made by Indian Government.
Nine of the gunman who killed were Muslim, Where Indian Muslim council refuses to bury the terrorist.
I personally think that we should condemned the people who responsible for the attack, whatever their motives are, they shouldnt involved innocent people's life, especially when they shoot indiscriminately to the crowd.
Sad day for Mumbai, Sad day for India, Sad day for world peace.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
2。 影片说明十八岁以下需家长陪同才可观看。。。可惜明志忘了,在网络匿名的情况下, 十八岁以下这句只是妓女的贞操带:一个幌子罢了。
3。 我誓死维护明志把性和裸体看成艺术的言论自由。可是我反对他意图把这个观念强行推广给社会大众,并以此为据攻击卫道之士的假惺惺。因为这样的行为和他口中的卫道之士无疑。
4。 如果这个抗议是要给政府听的, 那应该用政府听的懂得马来语创作。 用华语创作其实等于阿q, 自己和自己呐喊。
5。 如果这个抗议是要给华社听的, 我觉得我们一直以来都知道问题的存在, 并不需要应用另类的表达方式来制造煽动的效果。 从留言板里,令人担忧的民族沙文主义正在高涨, 这,对我们长远和友族沟通, 并理性争取自己的权益是不利的。
6。 如果这个抗议是要起改变现状的效果, 明志更应顾及保守的友族的感受。 我国政治现状表明,解决华人困境唯有靠和友族的沟通并赢取他们的认同。 涉及性, 粗话的语言只会让友族却步。
7。 有听过中国的网络愤青吗?不要忘了自己理性的思考。
8。 一方面,它证明独中成功培育出关心时事,又创作力,和懂得发挥网络空间来表达年轻一族想法的人。 另一方面, 它证明独中失败的培育出思想相对狭隘, 理性思考缺的毕业生。
9。 关于hit aeroplane 的问题。 看a 片打hand gun 的人是没有错。 可是不能假设其他人都是看a片打hand gun 的人, 然后反过来道貌岸然的指责他们假惺惺。
10。 另,如果你看了上文还觉得明志很酷的话, 那么恭喜你。 你已经加入了深绿的一群。
Today weather forecast....
Sunrise 07:40 (GMT)
Sunset 15:56 (GMT)
Saturday's predominant weather is forecast to be light rain.
5'c. Looks like is going to snow in this winter >.<
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Re : How malaysian we are?
老实说, 我两个都做不到。。。。
如果说马来西亚的国语是马来,流行文化,以马来歌曲,马来戏剧,马来综艺节目为主的话,夜晚有去MAMAK 档的习惯,
英国就是以英语为主, 流行文化,以英文歌曲,英文戏剧,英文综艺节目为主的话,晚上有去PUB or Bar 的习惯。
那我,还能被定义为, 一个在英国留学的马来西亚学生吗?
我依然爱国,依然爱马来西亚的Nasi Lemak , 爱逛KLCC 的书局,关心马来西亚的时事发展,依然会说alamak...
我该不该抛弃自己的一些“身份定位",融入当地社会,或者是回到Malaysian 的文化保护网呢?
BTW, 严冬已近,秋叶尽落, 窗外萧杀的场景随目可见。。。。 我依旧流浪中,寻找着自己的方向。
Friday, November 14, 2008
一个从赛亚星球来的平民,凭着一股纯真的心,不断努力成长,到最后扛起责任, 挽救世界,并在结尾追求自己的武道. 如果不是生化人和普乌的故事太画蛇添足,七龙珠本可以趋之完美.
同时看的,还有GS 美神,一个平穷好色无能的高中生在抓鬼事务所发生的趣事。还有龙骑士,一个龙组和人类混血的小孩不断成长,最后打倒大魔王巴恩的故事。 可这两部,都不及富坚义博的幽游白书好看。一个不良少年,因为临死前本性善良作了件好事,于是被委为死灵侦探,不断修行,打倒敌人, 制造不少暴笑的场面。富坚把冷笑话融入故事, 和描绘战斗的能力,在另一部作品, 猎人X猎人有进一步提高,可惜该作品经常脱稿。。。
同时追的漫画周刊,其中的浪客剑心,夺还屋(get backers) , 公务员的故事,等都断断续续的看完了。 其中,尽管大部分剧情很俗,可是夺还屋里,无限城的那段,很有二十世纪杀人网络的意境。 后来又看的,王牌至尊, 一部事关日本选举,却透过热血, 白痴的主人公及周遭人互动展现的故事。当然少不了,GTO, 疯狂老师的疯狂教学。还有牵线木偶,不错的剧情,不错的人物,可惜正邪最后的混淆, 减弱了故事的吸引力。
值得推荐的,是井上雄彦的灌篮高手,搞笑,热血, 却又合情合理,同时见好就收,打败山王后的樱木花道,成了我心中的写照,尽管很多女孩会更喜欢流川风。 近期追的, 光速蒙面侠,相比之下就破绽太多了。蒙太和sena 总在比赛中更上一层,泥门队总在结尾决无可能的情况下反败为胜,在这样发展下去,迟早成为另一个足球小将,叫座不叫好。
死神,一个故事铺排得体,暗笔都伏置得很好的作品,可惜除了主角一之护外,角色太多,战斗太多,使到很多部分成了鸡肋。同比的死神笔记,斗智斗力处处精彩,尽管后期FBI, L 的出身等都很荒唐。 还有火影忍者,一个故事和死神相近,却有风云意味的故事,快要成为另一个七龙珠了。。。。
还有部故事,剧情铺排,刻画都不错的漫画,钢之炼金术士。 日本漫画的主题都不外乎热血, 友谊,奋斗之内的,偶有例外,比如说头文字D, 豆腐店的小开在平淡中逐步走向第一的山路赛车手,比如说GANTZ, 平凡高中生在非凡时候的非凡挣扎。。。
相比之下,香港的漫画就武侠地多了,具体为坏人永远打不死,好人会越战越强,直到天下无敌的程度。 拿风云来说,绝心死前,各人物武功强弱的排比还和逻辑, 第三部一出,剧情就扑朔迷离。 原以为圣王一出,败亡现世,剑圣悟道,十魔尽现,都是为结尾作笔,哪知道原来易风,大邪王,小武,神峰,剑界,幕应雄都是为后来隐剑流的出场铺路。可怎么随便一个牛王就有步惊云龙元级的实力。。。而小马还埋下了赤火道,山城鬼王的伏笔。。。
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
How Malaysian you are???
1. Whats the current name of our Yang Di Pertuan Agong?
Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin....
(Ops, i gt the answer only when i wiki it .... >.<)
2. Where is "he who is made lord" from ?
( Thanks to Raja Petra Article XD)
3. Who is our current Prime Minister?
Dato Seri Abdullah Badawi....
4. Is it his full name?
( Wrong, Our prime minister full name is Dato Seri Abdullah Bin Ahmad Badawi....>.<)
5. Out of six UMNO presidents, How many doesnt have membership of the new Umno.
( Which are Onn Jafar, Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Razak, Tun Mahathir, =)
6. Do You watch AF( Academy Fantasia, one of the popular Reality Tv show )?
7. Do you watch Scenario?
8. Can you name 10 Malay drame series?
Eh.... " Kami"?
9. Can you name 10 movie made in Malaysia?
Duyung, DUyung, Duyung, Duyung and Duyung....
10. Or at least, one of the comic series made in Malaysia?
11. Re 10, Malay or English please?
I sorry >.<
12. Can you name the most famous footballer in Malaysia?
No. XD
13. The Badminton player?
Lee Chong Wei
( should call him Datuk now....)
14. Have you try Nasi Lemak? ( one of the famous Malaysian cuisine)
Yes! ( Thanks to Kmb life)
15. You have any friend from other ethnicity?
Yes ! ( Again, courtesy of Kmb)
16. Do you have baju kurung or baju Batik? ( Malaysia traditional clothing )
Unfortunately no..... >.<
17. Which is the highest mountain in Malaysia?
Mount Kinabalu
18. The longest river?
Rajang River?
19. Any Malaysia traditional art?
Wayang kulit, tarian sumazao and.....
20. Do you speak Malay to your Family/ your friend?
Can i skip this question.....
Sunday, November 9, 2008
I neither die as a hero nor becoming a villain , but i am living long enough to see myself become a nobody, where i dont change the history, i dont make great contribution, i dont make a fortune , i dont sacrified myself, i am just a normal guy like you and many of the others, i go to work, cook for dinner, play game or watch movie before sleep, meanwhile married, get a child, raise him up so that he can follow the same path of life etc.
Thats what i am afraid to be, i would rather die as a hero or live long enough to see myself become a villain....
无聊中。。。伦敦的天气越来越冷了,群树也开始落叶,附近的肯辛顿公园呈现一片金黄, 仿佛繁华将逝的美景。帝国理工的建筑依旧古老, 附近国家历史博物馆内的树上, 却开始装饰了圣诞的饰灯。
《六楼后座》 给了我一个这样的命题,我们曾经都有这样的梦想,都有想将之付诸行动的冲动,然而,残酷的现实总会逼使我们从原点上后退, 一点一点的,直到我们的梦想不再是梦想为止。。。
来伦敦已经六个星期了, 今天写下我要做的事,明年今日回头再看,看我能完成多少,看官你如果有兴趣也来玩吧。
1。 我要以70分以上的成绩完成第一年的课程。
2。 我要整理好我的部落格。
3。 我要去旅游,最少两个欧洲国家,
4。 我要探险伦敦, VA muzium, science muzium, natural history muzium, 大英博物馆都要来次深度游。
5。 我要锻炼好身体。每星期最少上GYM 两次。
6。 我要写一些文章,深度探讨时事,哲学,或是长久困挠我周遭的问题。
7。 我要学会一项新技能, 不管是游泳,骑脚车,弹吉他,溜冰还是什。。。
8。 我要和认识的每个好朋友保持联系,记得他们的生日。
9。 我要看十二本书,不管是什么书。。。
10。 我要打工,花一下自己赚的钱。。。
经验说明, 即使是简单的目标,我们总会因为懒惰,贪婪,或意志薄弱而无法完成, 能够克服自己的弱点,就是给自己最好的成人礼。。。。
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Challenges that face a head...
First and foremost, the climate change:
With a growing consensus on the cause of climate change to be the emissions of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, Obama need to tell the rely on petro American to stop the carbon emmissions by a sizeable amount. Ratifying the kyoto protocol, to provide enforcement on the reduction of carbon emmissions, become another challenge to Barack Obama...
Second, the economy.
Current crisis is going to drag America into recession, or least zero growth year for the following years. Barack Obama may imposed stricter regulations on financial market to prevent the reoccuring of another subprime crisis, but the roots problem of current crisis is still yet to be resolved. First, the deepening debt in foreign trade account indicate that America is buying more goods abroad and producing less local, furthermore , the outsourcing trend have sent many of local jobs abroad.
This raise two problems,
First, not enough job for the locals people, especially the middle income group which are hard to re-invent themselves.
Second, the america's economy heavily rely on virtual economy, which results in more vulnerable to financial crisis.
Third , the debt.
Under the Bush administration, the total debt of government had climb up to 10 trillion, about the size of America economy. As a results, large chunk of government budget is used to paid interest, where less money is available to development project, research grant, education sector, and more vitally, the healthcare and Pension scheme. Barack Obama proposed a universal Health care plan, which definitely costs government lots in the future. Unless Obama administration taking drastic action to reduced the debt in budget, America economy will soon fallen as Iceland, Mexico, and Russia, which bring a catastrophic effect to global financial market.
Fourth, iraq.
If America withdraw all the troops from Iraq, there are possibility that Iraq turned into another vietnam, where Islam Fundamentalist will control the country. Things become dangerous when Iraq close to Persian Gulf, which control Lion share of World's Crude oil surply. An economy downturn meet with oil price surge could bring Obama Approval rating down faster than free fall.
Fifth, China.
As China hold the largest Foreign exchange reserve, with its rising economy power and influence now, the relationships between America and China becoming crucial then ever before in dealing with world affairs. However, Barack Obama seems to have an idealistic view on Tibet and Taiwan, which will be harmful in dealing with china's authority. The tension arise between China and America may harm America's furthermore, not only because America import lots of cheap goodie from china to suppress inflation, but also China is now the largest buyer in many area, especially the aerocraft business which relating to at least 100000 jobs in America.
Sixth, Israel.
Israel and Palestine represent the roots of main conflicts between the western world and Islam world. Various America presidents had try to bring peace into west bank, but all end up with a disaster. If Barack Obama failed to resolve the controversy there, he will still facing the biggest enemy of the united states, the terrorist which hide well behind the shadow. The only effective way to counter the terrorist is by solving conflict between Israel and Palestine, where many America's presidents failed to do so because of their sides with Israel..
Seventh, the energy. Current oil price surge, although mainly driven by speculation, reflects how vulnerable the energy supply chain for America. The first, with global crude oil production is going to peak in a few month, the source of supply becoming limited, especially when America facing fierce combat with China in securing new oil field. Second, As the cost of production get higher, and the refinery capacity aged, the oil becoming more expensive. Third, as more portion of oil rely on middle east, south america, America is loosing power when bargain with those countries.
Eighth, the globalization. America is already facing a challenge in education system, where they are producing less percentage of scientist and engineer compared to other country. As the process of globalization goes, more local inteligents choose to stay at their country rather than going to America to do their research. The results , the innovation and creation is shift away from united states, where the two are crucial in creating wealth and jobs. Hence, reforming America's education system is one of the toughest task, which constantly ignored by both candidates during presidential campaign.
Ninth, the healthcare. With increasing healthcare cost, the Healthcare is dragging America company down, which loosing jobs to their foreign company. The cost of healthcare will continually bugs Americans, As first, Obama policy didnt guarantee the source for the funding. Second, the Bush Administration do so badly that they spend every resource they should have put on Healthcare system on tax cut. A universal heathcare solution will help protect the poor, but it will certainly cost the government more than it can afford now.
Tenth, the pension. With the babyboom aging , and the 401k scheme starts to withdraw money from the market. The pensions, for average America is becoming a hidden bomb. Imagine when servay shows 95 percent of America wont have enough money for used after retirement, the social welfare will go into bankruptcy when the peoples starts flooding to get the subsidy.
Americans saw the hope of change when they elected Barrack Hussein Obama to be the president, but the life wont change to be easier for America. Unless Barack Obama can planned ahead well and carried out the plan efficiently, his fate will soon be as Mr. Ma in Taiwan, where we saw his approval rating drop to the level of the predecessor.
Monday, November 3, 2008
我一直在赶路 忘了停下脚步
我一直在赶路 忘了你的祝福
我一直在赶路 忘了停下脚步
我一直在赶路 忘了你的祝福
我一直在赶路 忘了停下脚步
我一直在赶路 忘了你的祝福
还有report 要写.今晚到此为止. 晚安...
Sunday, November 2, 2008
是的,今夜首先要谈的,是美国火热中的总统选举,是一场会影响美国未来四年/八年,经济,社会思潮,以及对外政策走向的选举. 先谈一下,对四位候选人的个人观点,
奥巴马,半黑半白的混血儿,小时候在印尼待过, 曾担任参议员.从各大报章的时评看出,奥巴马本人有自己独特的见解,却又能聆听不同的声音.主张种族溶解,告别过去的政治,改变美国在世界的形象. 其主要政策有,一是短期内从伊拉克撤出大部分的军队,以把精力集中到阿富汗,强调和敌对国家的对话以维护和平.二,管制金融市场, 对富人上税以给穷人减税. 三,推行全民保健计划,解决医疗保健的问题.
奥巴马本身缺乏从政经验,加上其黑人身份,居然能够崛起,一半是个人的领袖魅力和个人及竞选班底的能力使然,一半也正应了美国群众目前的反思潮,( 反思伊拉克战争,反思九一一后鹰派在美国对外政策的描绘, 反思在金融危机后共和党的经济决策,反思国内对不同族群的歧视.) 至于能否乘风而起,引领改革,且看他周二的造化了.
麦凯恩,越战英雄,共和党里的异数.著名的费-麦法案的通过人.其政策主张和布什雷同,主张在伊拉克继续驻兵直至"胜利", 在国际社会上维持鹰派, 减少对金融市场的管制,对富人减税来刺激经济,主张保健产品私营化及市场化来解决政府的负担.
麦凯恩的经验丰富,具有魄力,缺点是年纪大,和时代脱节( 其本人承认不会用电邮,不会使用网络相关产品).同时,其主张和布什雷同,也是致命伤.然而,结合希望减税的富人和倾向保守主义的选民,( 及部分靠佩林吸纳的妇女票) , 仍有能力在最后关头紧咬奥巴马.
拜登.从政经验丰富的参议员.其非贵族,非富有参议员,同时有悲伤往事的身份, 和草根性,可以引起选民的共鸣. 相信能起到补助外交和国防经验不足的奥巴马的作用. 老实说,目前还没有看到显着的可攻击点.相信在选战中, 为奥巴马阵营起了加分的作用.
佩林,及具争议性的阿拉斯加州州长. 观点保守,形象草根( 曲棍球妈妈是她强调的竞选形象), 妇女身份有利于拉拢妇女选票.然而其外交和国防经验严重缺乏,又面对在担任州长期间,滥用职权,以及十五万服装费事件的丑闻. 同时由于后期极力把奥巴马和极端主义者和恐怖主义者等同,无形中丧失了不少中间选民的票.然而,其作风却协助麦凯恩巩固了保守派选民的票源.
四场总统辩论我只看了一场副总统候选人的较量.我只能说,让佩林上台本身是很危险的. 外交和国防经验缺乏的她,不具备在麦凯恩发生意外后担任总统的能力,只谈口号和理念,却提不出实际数据的她,令人怀疑其对经济的了解有多少. 把副总统看成: 绝大部分都服从总统的意见,只在最后时刻接替总统位子的她, 令人怀疑其能不能做好给与总统劝告并在政府中负责一定事物的责任.
奥麦在伊拉克上的分歧,在于麦凯恩坚持要在伊拉克取得胜利才撤军,而奥巴马则坚持要设下撤军时间表.这, 或许能很好地反映两人在总统选举中的分歧. 麦凯恩有很好的愿景,有其坚持,却缺乏对事物的了解和达到目的所需的计划.奥巴马有很好的了解,有很好的计划,然而其撤军,全民保险, 对富人征税等社会主义式的主张却对美国形象的未来产生不可估量的影响.
从伊拉克撤军和支持对金融的管制,表示了承认九一一以来对外看法,及对内经济管理和决策的失败,美国人准备好承认自己失败了吗? 下周二即有分解.
回头看马来西亚,纳吉毫无意外的当上巫统党主席,及首相的位置.不客气地说,纳吉本身未必有魄力和领导力,政绩也不突出, 之所以能从最年轻国会议员起在政治路上青云直上,主要是靠了父荫.当我国的领导转移演变为家族政治时,( 目前在巫统副主席提名战中领先的希山, 是前首相胡先翁的公子,而在青年团领跑的慕克力及凯里,分别是敦马的公子及首相的女婿.) 国家的前途将是危险的.一来,政治家族及其朋党,将垄断国家的权力机关及政府资源.二来,首相之位不能选贤与能,导致国家的发展容易因领导的平庸而迷失方向. 马来西亚的选民是否善忘,是否能接受政府在这次金融危机中失职的表现,且看下届大选.
还是那句, 保重自己,自求多福,祝君好运.
首先,传统银行赚钱的方式,是从投资者手中接受存款,然后尽可能的放贷给有需要的人。为了保证放出的贷款能够收回,银行通常都以严格的贷款条件,如资产担保,检查借贷者的还款能力等,来发放贷款。 然而,为了业绩的需要,银行需要每年增大放贷额,可是市场上优质的借贷者数量有限,银行不得不减低放贷门槛,以发放更多的贷款。减低门槛的结果是风险增加,银行为了转嫁风险, 就给那些劣质的贷款上保险。
保险公司经过计算,发现由于贷款的违约率低, 所收取的保险费在抵消了违约的赔偿金后有利可图。 于是大量承接这类型的保险。过了一段时间,发现收取保费的赚钱速度太慢了,于是把这类保险合约打包,拿到金融市场去卖。。。 投资者一看,这类产品有利可图,于是开始炒高,具体实例可参考以下帖子。
就拿房贷做例子,银行由于不用承担风险(把风险转嫁给保险公司),于是尽量做大贷款额以获取盈利。结果,在美国, 很多本来不能借钱买房子的人借到了钱,房产需求强劲推动了价格上涨,其他人看到有利可图,就抵押自身房子来借贷,投资在房地产中,而这些高风险贷款就给打包卖到金融市场上,碾转炒作,制造了繁荣的假象.
然而,保险公司在过程中忽略了, 当供应因为需求拉动后,需求放缓时,供应会超越需求而导致房产下跌,使得违约率增加,提高风险,减少收益. 同时间,对相关产品,进行风险评估的公司,由于利益的关系,常常调高评级以让更多者类型的产品卖出去,进而赚钱. 在这循环的过程中,累积在( 给劣质贷款的保险)这类产品上的资金达到了 七兆美金. 其中,这类产品的主要投资家为投资银行,而投资银行惯于用杠杆 ( 即以极少的资产为抵押,通过借钱买入资产,再抵押借钱买入的资产,再买入更多资产的循环方式 ) 来使利润最大化.结果,仅美国五大投资银行,美林,高盛,摩根,雷曼, Bear Stearns 的借贷额就达四兆,为美国GDP 的四成.
好景不长在,长期拉高的房价,在07年左右开始下滑.在四百万个房子无人问津的情况下,平均房价在一年内下跌了10 至15 巴仙,于是,抱着投机心态借钱买新房子的人开始还不起贷款,劣质贷款的违约率升高,对其的保险产品出现了保险金不足于抵消赔偿,负责保险的人破产的情况.
当最后买入次贷保险的人破产后,银行失去了对劣质贷款的收益保障,于是盈利迅速下跌,全美银行的盈利在一年间跌了一半,更导致银行流动资金短缺的问题.此外,最后买下这类保险产品的投资银行,由于无法承担忽然上升的成本,利润急速下跌以至无法偿还杠杆过程中借来的钱的利息,出现财务困难.于是,雷曼破产,Bear Stearns和美林被收购, 高盛,摩根采取更保守的投资策略,金融市场一遍低迷.
同时,在2007年尾房市崩溃后,资金纷纷从房市及相关产品撤离,并转移到石油和原产品市场,推高油价的同时加剧了通货膨胀,造成经济低迷,触发了其他产品市场的泡沫,以及这类保险的损失.而房贷危机引发的损失,估计将达一亿兆. 与此同时.信用低迷导致经济下跌( 比如说,三大汽车公司的销量下跌了平均二至三成),诱发了股市的崩盘,仅美国,八兆的资金随着道指从万四点跌到九千点而蒸发了.
在美联储调低利率, 美国政府又发售最少近兆的债卷来救市的情况下,美元势必贬值.因此导致的,是一, 通货膨胀不会减缓,继续损伤经济.二,美国的购买力会减弱,进而打击依赖出口美国来拉动经济火车头的国家. 吊诡的是,美国正需要这些国家的外汇储备来进行融资,以购买政府近十兆的债卷,及支付贸易来往账目上的赤字,长期以往,全球性的经济萧条在所难免,无怪乎许多经济学家都把这次的金融危机和上世纪二三十年代的大萧条相题并论.
谁在这次危机中赚了钱,首先是那些推波助澜的投资经纪,据说,危机爆发前华尔街经理们带回家的花红创下历年新高,达到三百亿美金.其次,是那些看准时机,在金融衍生产品和石油及原产品期货炒作中获利的投机家. 讽刺的是, 麦凯恩还打算给这些人减税来刺激经济.
那马来西亚呢? 政府在这次事件中算是最大的笨蛋. 08年头油价上涨时,决策单位没看清楚这是由于大量游资短期流入石油市场造成的暴涨,贸然调高油价,加剧了通货膨胀.同时,基于双油价长期高企, 经济仍会成长的假设,制定了赤字预算. 结果在油价下跌,出口减缓,经济放缓的时候,赤字大增,导致必须发行更多的债卷,造成马币贬值,通货膨胀,物价下调. 在马来西亚经济受全球经济的影响下,马国政府几乎丧失了应变能力, 任人宰割.
Friday, October 31, 2008
2。 The game still On ! 长期追的光速蒙面侠,在今天泥们队击败teikoku alexander 后本应完结。然而作者却在结束语又留下了伏笔。。。。
3。 另一个系列,猎人X猎人,在断断续续十余年后,连载终于重开,其作者,正是幽游白书的画家富坚义博,然而根据他的性格,恐怕没多久又会断稿。
4。 另一套系列,欲望都市(gantz) , 在出版社的要求下从onemanga 的网站上移除了。。。。 :(
5. 这几天终于染上了新生流感(fresher flue ) , 从喉咙痛到伤风,相当不舒服。
6。 推荐一首歌,赶路,原唱者凡人二重唱,有兴趣的去搜狗搜吧,我这儿就不作盗连了。。。
7。 推荐一个不错的部落格,最好金龟换酒, 里面的文章很有意思,有兴趣的朋友请按右下连接。如果您发现有部落格也是很有意思的,烦请留言告知,大家交流分享。
8。 伦敦前几天下雪了,六月飞霜啊。 这几天的天气都很冷,郁闷中。
9。 这几天参加很多关于贫富的讲座,思考了一下,appropriate technology 对非洲的重要性和西方资本主义的弊端,然而我的能力只能蚍蜉撼大树,要改变,还得号召更多人才行。
10。 玉菱和山潜毕业,玮莹不留,剩下嘉仪和秋燕支撑,建国辩论队,又是时候重新开始了,“路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。。。
11。 今夜不谈政治,也不谈经济,祝君阅读愉快,睡眠安好。。。
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Omg, another week to wait for eyeshield 21 probably final episode.....
The chapter end when the kicking just about to start, when yamato kun is aiming to destroy the kick with his Ceasar Charge....
With much suspend remain ( trough not suspend at all coz according to previous plot, The Deimon Devil Bat will definitely win the christmas bowl) .... I Have to wait another whole long week to see the final ending....
What i done this week
Pretty usual, go class at 10, having tutorial, etc.
Went to sainsbury afternoon, Chin bought 5 kg of potatoes with 1.29 pound. The beginning of potato feast carnival.....
Day off due to commemoration day, sleep the whole day....
Another half day with 2 lectures at the morning, evening went for poker society, to learn how to play poker XD.....
Skip one lecture this morning, went for EWB ( Engineering without border) uk national conference at peak district , sheffield, evening. The journey take 5 hours, Omg. Meet a guy named Tom working in Glasgrow, a consultant firm related to water and sanitation system.
Saturday, Still at peak district sheffield.
Sunday, going back imperial at the evening, another 5 hr trip...OmG!
Some add-on.
The clocks turn back one hour during sunday morning, kind of weird......
If you curious about what EWB is, and what it do, i am posting it at my next post,
And yeah, havent really study yet....Omg
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
What does current economic crisis meant to a scholar like me?
Firstly, following the economic downfall, the rising of rent in sub london area will likely be reverse. Which is a good news for me as my monthly expense is going to reduced. However, economy downfall would mean unemployment rate goes up and less job available. Which will be bad if i am looking for second income.
Looking back to malaysia, the falling of international crude oil price recently, will greatly reduced the income of malaysian government by an estimate of 26 billion. Besides, as america economy falling, export from Malaysia to USA and other western country will fall too, which results in less tax for the government. If the government start to cut off expense, they either give less scholarship , change location for current scholar, or even drastically call back all the malaysian studied overseas. The latest happened before and i surely do not wish that to happened to me.
In othersway, JPA might cut the allowance rate to reduced expense. Lets hope that do not happened..... omg
As a result , i got a day free.
and tomolo and friday will be another 2 half day....
Good or bad?
i dont know.
Monday, October 20, 2008
The dilemma of Joe the plumber....
The answer is yes if you know you cant make it, the answer is no if you know you will make it.
So problem, when do you know whether you will make it or not? When the economic is doing well, most people will be optimistic about their future, hence they wont support the plan. But when economy is going down, people will become pessimistic, hence they would support the plan.
Going back to the root of the problem, should the people who work hard to earn more, pay more tax and bear more social responsibility? I am not going to judge it , but some point of view....
First, the design of capitalism system is that people who work hard will earn more than the others. and hence, as a results, the rich appeared to be using more public resource ( ie, police, road, government service, etc) . Shouldn't they pay more?
Second, by contribute more , the rich help to create a better and fairer platform for the poor. So that they can have a same starting point, to avoid polarity in wealth distribution. History show that when wealth distribution are not equal, revolution tend to occur which harm the rich. Hence, by paying more, the rich are actually insuring their properties.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Just to post......
Anyway as chin am i start to cook, our cost per meal reduced dramatically, take yesterday for example, the dinner for 2 cost 70p for 2 cans, 40p for rice, 40p for soup, 30p for vege, and 10 p for miscellaneous, which mean one pound per person per meal .... Good for my pocket.
Anyway, coursework, tutorial, lecture required reading start accumulate now, which mean my free time will be faded away sooner or later, Isch....
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
something out of nothing....
Second, the amount of lecture receive , seem less compare to that in KmB and back in middle school. However, sometimes we got 2 hr off for lunch time, which is bad for those far away from home n finished tutorial n dont want to study type of people. Luckily, i still can go back home n cook something.
Third, wednesday is a halfday, but since class start at 900 or 1000 am, we actually have lecture for 4 and a half day only. Where we have much spare time left, which is good for those not so competitive course student.
Fourth, The good news, library virtually open 24/7 , though the books store looks small and concentrate on academic, still a good place to hang out at night. ( Though i havent visit it yet. )
Fifth, the price of goods. One day in saintsbury i saw box of orange (2L) sold in one pound, couple days passed when i visit it again, it sold in 2 pound. Have to get used to their pricing technic.
Monday, October 13, 2008
i am selling my friend, (advertise him actually)
Here is some of his work, his photo matching....
First is his work...
Blackwell reconstruction in 3D by ~tecsun on deviantART
This is the original one, spot the difference?
and the video he made..
Alternatively, you can visit his blog or his works on the following website,
Btw, he still single and earning quite decent wage now, girls . Take your chance >.<
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Something abt speed...
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Going Down.....
首先, 道指收市创五年新低, 全球经济哀鸿遍野。
再来,原本预定2010退位的阿都拉提前下台。 为马来西亚的政局投下新的变数。
经济方面, 美国的次贷风暴持续蔓延, 先后3家最大投资银行的倒闭, 逼使美国政府提出救市,结果是纳税人,投资者, 借贷者, 都为不负责任的交易员买单。 经济低迷导致国际油价下跌, 然而在马来西亚,调降的油价却是有限。
政治方面,峰徊路转。 相信在最高理事的压力下( 特别是纳吉,慕尤丁,马哈迪势力的压力下), 阿都拉从原先的设定交棒期限, 到交换管辖部门,到展延党选,到宣布提前退位,处处展现了被动. 值得关注的,是阿都拉退位后, 原先在岳父光环下的凯里,其政治前途会否就此终结.
套句说书生的话,欲知详情, 且待下回分解....
My ist week in Imperial.
Sunday, went to international student reception ( shouldnt go as much of the topic will be repeated ) , go for basketball freetry, ppl here very tall. Waste 3 hrs chasing my friends around high street kensington, my fault, shoudnt go .
Monday, mechanical engineering reception, nthing much happened.
Tuesday, open bank account. Fresher fair, sign up for many soc mailing lists. Which only show commitment to few soc. Night, go bowling and skating, again , food inside expensive.
Wednesday, math test, quite simple ( much of it learn before, and yeah, still remember). afternoon, go for tutor tryout. A couple of french brother and sister want to learn mandarin, although they found a professional teacher, still earn some from the session. :)
Thursday, Continue on group project. Meanwhile have a thinking skill assessment. ( imperial want to copy oxbridge by introduce a TSA for admission, so we become the white rat). Night have dinner in chinatown. Go to club named roadhouse and have our VIP card.
Friday, group project test out . The cantilever my group built can survive 3. 5 kg onli. Sad ...... and i sold my fresher ball ticket to people more interested in.
Today, spend morning for shopping, afternoon for ICUMS reception, and night here.....
Few thought. The internet socket here very sensitive, it works for some cable but not others. Put it simple, my cable works in chin's room socket but not mine, his one same too. So we exchange our cable.....
Internet here quite fast. It go up to 90 mbps for uk server. But unfortunately, pings is so high and speed dramatically reduce when connect to malaysia server and china server.
First week i spent too much on food, but when we start cooking ( mainly can food actually ) the cost reduced significantly. Which is a good news.
Anyway, spending still high this week, got to reduced it for the next week. Btw, there is an interesting program in laying down railroad in wales and the next summer placement for EWB( engineer without border ) is Tanzania, want to go?
Friday, October 3, 2008
Take todays for example, we head to earls court to wait for fren's punya fren's. we wait him to go high street kensington and coming back to earl's court, and go to some where around ucl , and when i realised, is already 2.oo pm and we doing nothing for past 4 hrs....
We visit 3 muzium after that, but as you can guess, what can you get for 4 hrs which including the transit time between the muziums. Although i wish to spend another day somewhere to explore each of the muziums, i probably wont visit them again for next four years.
And the worst thing is, i found that my math ability is loosing fast. And i just sent the wrong thing to a person, results in i might loosing for a online math competition. OMG!!! Need to gain back my strength fast.....
These few days have been spending too much money, and i havent get my cutnery set and pay for the fresher week ticket yet, and statement from imperial to open bank account still havent come yet.... guess have to tighten my belt for the next 3 weeks.....
Life wasnt that gud, hope things better when moved in to the hall....
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Is colder especially in the morning, when it is raining, or wind blowing....
And, the stuff here is rather expensive, when you convert it...
even if you dont convert, some food, especially chinese restaurant one, are quite expensive also...
Spent a lot of money these days,
First, 20 pound for a car from heathrow to london, and our driver is a producer for TV3, ( he do free lancing too)
next , 16.46 for malaysian hall, although 6 .46 per night is quite cheap compare to others hotels (we get like 3 star hotel's room ). is still unnecesary to spent it...
3 pound for an oyster card and 12 for top up,
subway here better than malaysia coz they put a maximum cap of 4.80 when travel in london, however, it still expensive
8.25 pound for a dinner in chinese restaurant, ( which i porbably wont eating there anymore)
Will try to save some money, Bread here like 50 p per loaf. Ermm...
Anyway, say hi to all.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Today I Fly , zzzz
Few thought,
first, it would mean i wouldnt take a bath for 28 hrs, Eui...
Second, carry total 27-28 kg luggage wasnt easy... especially when 12 kg of them is hand carried one... regret not doing any exercise lately.
Third, have to wear the brazer , suit for 28 hrs, it is going to be very " comfortable"....
Anyway, C ya.
Friday, September 26, 2008
tomolo flying , omg.....
As JPA eagerly dumping me there before hari raya, thats mean i will be staying at malaysian hall for 5 nights before moving in to imperial hall of residence.... wonder wat to do there....
I only need a day to settle opening bank, register at NHS, other stuff etc. Thats would mean 3 days left to travel around london, which i planning to left it for the sunday at october and november...
I going to be bored for a while.... any suggestion?
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
3 more days....
Ya, 3 more days to fly and i feel bored.
cruelly, people need to think themselves living a meaningful life for them to have the gut to survive the cruelty of the life. Well, i think i am struggled to look into myself of the future. Some question keep on pop up in mind :
Where would i be after 10 yrs?
Would i live a life where from day to night i dedicate myself to some factory, as my uncle doing now?
Would i live a normal life, work 6 days per week, and rest on sunday just for me to work another 6 days more?
And, would i feel happy to stuck myself in the routine ?
How am i going to achieve financial freedom?
What to do if i achieve financial freedom and no need to work for living?
Do i prepared to realize i am already reaching fifty?
Would i feel regret when looking back my half life?
Time passing fast, people getting older.
There is no guarantee that you will be happy for next of your life.
But you have higher chance to be happy if you have more choice, to choose the lifestyle you want.
I think i have to working hard for that.
Monday, September 22, 2008
5 more days, ( 4 actually )
Still busy with packing? LoL
Basically 4 more days to go, and yet, havent gt meningitis C vaccination yet as it is rare in Malaysia, ran by a few private hospital and still getting negative response. Think have to get it done in UK.
One more stuff left is to called MAS to arrange vegetarian food for my flight, may need to call JPA tomorrow to get more flight detail.
Still thinking of whether to buy duvet, pillow cover and bed sheets overthere, any suggestion or advices?
Friday, September 19, 2008
8 more days, finally settled everything.....
Unfortunately, i will be flying with airasia, which imposed a 15 kg limit on my luggage, try to gamble with a 7 kg backpack and another extra laptop bag. Hope sponsored student iddentitties can help in some situation....
anyway , just watched Michael Jordan's only movie ---- Space Jam. Unfortunately, it doesnt look as good as i expected. Basically, the whole movie is just Jordan showing his dunking skill, there are some attractive cartoon characters to child, which are not so attractive to teen at my age now. Besides, the moral embedded badly into the film, that i cant sure whether the movie is about pursuing basketball dream? Fighting alien to save the cartoon character? or simply announce and celebrate the back of Michael Jordan to NBA in 1996? Or showing theme that everyone can play basketball, as shown by two real side actor?
People dont watch the movie if they already know what the movie is about. Especially for those heroic movie, where the plot hero fighting villain, hero having hard time, hero overcome hard time or weakness, hero win the villain and have a happy ending become too common. The only reason people still watching it, is eitheir the director make the story of the hero touching ( Like spiderman, Batman), the hero have special ending ( like incredible Hulk), or the story interesting in some way, Or the main actor are their favourite.
Hence, i suggested you watch Space Jam only you are Bugs Bunny fans or Michael Jordan's fans (which i am ). If you are neither both, tried other movies....
Thursday, September 18, 2008
进入大学的开始, 也意味着是时候挥别过去吊儿朗当的日子了....
再见了, DOTA, 再见了, 马来西亚的政治, 再见了, 家乡的朋友, 亲人, 再见了马来西亚......
这四年. 我们互相承诺. 每一天都要过的有意义, 每一天都不在浪费自己的时间, 这四年最后的青春, 要好好把握......
四年后, 我们再会
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
looking forward for 10mbps....
The happiness didnt last long, as my sponsor decided to dump me into the so called "IB World school ", nightmare of waiting 2 hour for a hotmail page to load began.....
finally , 2 yr finished and i am back to my home, unfortunately, the telephone line and modem not so good as it used to be....
Therefore, it start 4 months of connected, disconnected, hanging, cant connect at night dilemma....
And now, 2 more weeks i will be staying at the Garden Hall, Imperial College, which claim to have the fastest network infrastructure among European university...... Hope things work well...
You might want to ask, what so significance about the speed, well , as far as i can tell,
10mbps means, you can stream a movie in AVI format in 11 minutes, which like watching movie in cinema....
you can download a 100mb file from rapidshare within 2 minutes, or, a song in less than 10 second....
even if you want to download software up to 2/3 GB, you probably finish it within 1 hr, provided the connection is optimize.
The sad thing is, IC still imposed 5 GB for total download and Upload volume in any 24 hr periods, but thinking about it, i will have 39 weeks times 7 days times 5 = 1365GB of download and upload volume for the next 9 months, which is more than enough for watching 2 movie perday, 2 tv series per day, get a new software every weeks, etc...
Time to get a new external hardisk...:p cheers !
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
"pls forward this email to atleast 10 of your contact , or admin of hotmail will froze your account "
"Pls forward this email to other people, the hotmail will donate 1 cent for any email forwarded"
" Pls forward this email to your friend to show that you love them, if you dont forward the email back to me, i can only think as you dont love me..."
The first email, definitely is fake, as never heard of hotmail, facebook, frienster or wat ever admin of social network froze any account , i personally didnt forward any of this i receive and still dont get frozen....
The second email , is most probably fake, as if hotmail will donate the money, they will sent the mail in behave of the admin themselve, strange is, never heard of hotmail sending this kinf of staff, never heard of them sending email of appreciation showing how much money collected for the charity purpose....
The third email, is not necessary. You dont need to send email to others to show that you love them. Or precisely, you dont need other to sent email to you to show that they love you, it will be rather pathetic if you need that.....
First email use people's fear, the fear that your account mayb suspended, as people will sent it coz they know they dont loose a thing if the email is fake, but they will loose if the email is true...
Second email use people's simpathy, you wont loose a thing when you dont sent it, but you scared other loose something if the email is true and you dont sent it.....
Third email use people's lack of confidence in their relationship, you fear that your friend will think you dont love them when you dont sent the email, therefore you sent it, In other way, you are actually hoping other will sent it back......
Three of the email os actually junk, sending them is called Spamming. But no matter they know it or not, people still keep sending this kind of email, manipulate by the mastermind behind, act like a puppet..... Its kind of weird human behaviour.....
Another type of spam , is facebook application.
It usually sound like this, you taking a quiz, after finish, you want to get your result, but the application told you to invite 10 more people to join in order to get your result, which you spamming others for application they dont bother to look at. Such kind of promoting tactic is very successful, too successful that people would want to get rid of it but couldnt help themself doing it to others...
The different in facebook and email is, you can block the invite in facebook, but you cant block the invite from your friend on your contact list as someday they might send something important or meaningful.....
So, Pls stop the spamming after you read my blog...
Thursday, September 4, 2008
The First Amendment...
what is first amendment? as quote from wikipedia.
"The First Amendment to the United States Constitution is part of the United States Bill of Rights that expressly prohibits the United States Congress from making laws "respecting an establishment of religion" (the Establishment Clause) or that prohibit the free exercise of religion (the Free Exercise Clause), laws that infringe the freedom of speech, infringe the freedom of the press, limit the right to peaceably assemble, or limit the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances."
Why is first amendment so important?
Because if there is no first amendment,
A nation can force the minority to practise religion habits of the majority public event, making people who wish to out from majority religion difficult, or practising law base on religion which not applicable to others...
if there is no first amendment,
A autocrat can rule a country without being challenge, the democracy system no longer democracy as the ruling party can suppress the voice of the opposition by controlling the media, shutting down websites, blog , etc ,
if there is no first amendment,
Media will not able to observe and report the misbehaviour of government servant when their licent is controlled by them, as a results, inefficient , corrupted servants can remained at their post without being challenge,even their boss cant control them , as happened in China,
if there is no first amendment,
the majority race can suppress the minority through published racist view, they can accused others racial being guilty , or ignored others right as they hold the political power... And the politikus can simply maintain their power by promoting hatred toward other races, so that he will be look like a hero and popular among his races...
if there is no first amendment,
The intellectual will afraid to voice opinion on government project, or critized the government, as they will afraid being arrested by government, or loosing job and business just because others afraid to hire or do business with them, which in turn results in governor never improve their service...
If there is no first amendment, different group of people will keep on fighting, instead of communicating with others, as they never heard others voice in...
Many rulers and politician argue that if first amendment is abused , will cause racial riot and destroy the social harmony. Infact, they just dont understand the spirit of first amendmend. " i strongly disagree with you, but i will defence your right to speak with my life. " The existing of first amendment require as to be rational. That is, dont over reacted, or counter with violence when others say something that you are discomfort with.
Some says, if freedom of speech fully practised, people can make accusation, liar, or speech promoting racial hatred without being punished. For that, they still dont understand freedom of speech. First , the line drawn on what can be said and what cannot is based on ethnic, that is you can quetions others race priviledge but not attacked them personally. Second, all accusation made to person must come with solid proof, where you cant accused at your will . Third, what you said should be truth, or atleast close to it. Or else you must ready to face legal action.
The problem here, however, is how to draw the line. And who have the right to justified and draw it. The answer, is however, based on universal law, that besides truth and proper reasoning, you dont want others to said to your face, you should allow anybody, including yourself , said to other. Which is called respect.
I hereby challenge you to challenge, question , or discussed with me on the topic. But not without truth and proper reasoning!
Oh , Damn!
Well, something bads just happening to me. Today when i open my laptop and doing things, suddenly it just blue screen and BANG ! the screen off and never turn on again...
Restarting computer couldnt help either, i cant even run the diagnostic test as i cant even go into the page...
search for forum a while , the most possible reason is motherboard crashed, which means rm 1000 for repair course....
time to get a new laptop? either way my father is going to sound me .... althought theoretically is all my money matter...
crap thing, crap day, hope my visa will not be another disaster for me... i cant afford liao....
Monday, August 25, 2008
首先, 是选前留传的菜单文化. 再来, 民主行动党的高职并不由党员和中央代表决定. 而是由二十位票选中委决定. 而票选中委都是由林氏父子主导. 因此实际上是林氏父子说了算, 十足共产党集权的模式. 掌握领导权的林氏父子更可根据党章委任十位中委, 等于说再下一次中委会议前, 林氏父子只要拉拢多四位, 而不是九位票选中委, 就能通过自己的政治议程.
行动党大姐郭素芯前几天关于担任高职安排的谈话更耐人寻味. 她说, 担任什么职位, 一切听从党中央的安排. 照道理一个民主的政党, 党内高职应由中央代表决定. 如今沦落到由指令来安排的地步, 更印证了行动党是林氏父子皇朝的印象. 而同时, 一名党外人士忽然间入党, 忽然间被委为中委, 忽然间当上副主席, 不仅让在基层耕耘的领袖不满, 更给人一种, 行动党党内无人才, 所以要委任党外人士, 或行动党内要上位, 就要和林氏父子搞好关系的印象.
长此以往, 难保蔡添强退党, 冯宝君不攻, 陈仪乔宁入公正的情况不会重演. 该一个不民主的政党, 不管其领导人多么英明, 都很难海纳百川般的吸引人才, 茁壮发展. 更何况, 林氏父子现在更称不上英明.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
我的猜测, 首相肯定是安华. 副首相很大可能是回教党主席哈迪阿旺. 行动党当不上副首相的原因一是因为回教党不会让华华基政党做大, 二是副首相代表着接替首相的未来人选. 民盟必需要消除马来人担忧华人会有担任首相之可能的疑虑. 在此情况下, 民盟可能会效仿沙巴的模式, 设立华裔和印裔副首相, 可是这会引起沙砂土著的不满, 如果再另设一个东马副首相, 那么等于削弱副首相的政治权利, 形同儿戏. 另一个较大的可能性是任命林吉祥为代表非土著的第二副首相.
重要官职方面, 安华应该回兼任财政部长. 内政部长应该是回教党的囊中物. 在政治分配的原则下, 行动党最多只能拿到教育部长这个重要的官职, 及继承马华现有的政治职位, ( 交通部长, 房屋及地方政府部长, 卫生部长和人力资源部长). 较次要的部长职, 如国防部长, 外交部长等, 可能委任沙砂两地的议员担任.
然而民盟内阁要成事, 首先就看安华有没有能力凑足议员执政. 西马方面, 民政, 马华和国大党不会跳. 因为他们知道留在国阵还能有在下一届大选翻身的机会, 一旦加入民盟, 就得遵守现有的议席分配, 马华不甘变老二, 民政不甘变蚊子党. 所以日前翁诗杰, 陈莲花提出巫统若不改变就退出国阵云云, 应是政治博契以争取更多筹码.
因此民盟执政所需的三十个席位应来自东马, 沙巴方面, 团结党和进步党, 以及民统党应是较易拉的对象. 自由民主党由于和进步党不咬旋( 两者自山打根国会议席事件以来, 向来结仇), 应该不会跳. 沙巴巫统方面, 有一半的议员应该可以用利益拉.
砂劳越的情况就比较复杂. 以泰玛目为首的土保党向来掌握着权利. 除非有更大的权利诱惑, 否则是比较不可能跳的.
因此, 民盟拉的对象应是在土保党和沙巴巫统里和权利源头里较远的边缘派和野心派, 及其他如人联党, 团结党,等小政党. 可是同时团结党和人联党应会要求行动党撤出他们在沙砂两地的政治实力. 山打根国会议席候选人章翠玲撤消选举诉讼可能就正为这一步铺路.
这一切, 还待看安华能否补选成功. 为此国阵双管起下, 先是鸡奸疑云, 再是激起民盟议员贪污, 公正党党员殴打记者事件. 另一方面. 则提前宣布调低油价, 并向峇东埔华裔选民大派华小拨款等糖果. 可想而知, 在民盟夺权之前, 双方必会各出奇谋.
Friday, August 22, 2008
thought on monty hall problem
One interesting thought:
Let say between Abd, Anw and Naj , one of them is the "car" , which can truly lead the country. Now , we have choosen Abd. By some mean , the host ( god or Allah or whatever) , open another door Naj and show goat behind( indicate Naj is not the car) . So does switching to Anw lead a better chance to win the car ( a better leader)?
interesting, isn't it?
Monty halls problem.
Note that the player may initially choose any of the three doors (not just Door 1), that the host opens a different door revealing a goat (not necessarily Door 3), and that he gives the player a second choice between the two remaining unopened doors.
The overall probability of winning by switching is determined by the location of the car. According to the problem statement above, a car and two goats are arranged behind three doors and then the player initially picks a door. Assuming the player's initial pick is Door 1 (the same analysis applies for any other door the player picks):
- The player originally picked the door hiding the car. The game host must open one of the two remaining doors randomly.
- The car is behind Door 2 and the host must open Door 3.
- The car is behind Door 3 and the host must open Door 2.
Players who choose to switch win if the car is behind either of the two unchosen doors rather than the one that was originally picked. In two cases with 1/3 probability switching wins, so the overall probability of winning by switching is 2/3 as shown in the diagram below. In other words, there is a 2/3 chance of being wrong initially, and thus a 2/3 chance of being right when changing to the other door.
Source :
Krauss, Stefan and Wang, X. T. (2003). "The Psychology of the Monty Hall Problem: Discovering Psychological Mechanisms for Solving a Tenacious Brain Teaser," Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 132(1). Retrieved from March 30, 2008.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
human relationship are like Newtons third law, you spend more, u get back more.
Weeks ago i went to singapore and visit one of my friends there, although we only stay together for a couple of days before, however we are able to talk on many thing, like people we know, our job and path , etc.
But days before when i meet my ex-class mate, i felt that we are still like new meet stranger, struggle to find interesting common topic.
Ya, thats was me. I admit that i have spent little time communicate with my class mate, even my room mate also. It may be a bad habit which i bring from my daily living.
It may be time to change as i cannot go on like this when reached university level. But as tecsun said, after we separate from each other, we just get further and further away from each other. The only proof remained for our friendship is, when we got chance to meet, we will certainly meet and talk like we been together long.
Enclosed photo of my classmate, which i wouldn't know if dont get the scholarship, and maybe wouldn't meet again in my lifetime because of social and culture difference. Hope that wont happen.
"why so serious?" Clown, the dark knight.
Days before i tried google my name as James McAvoy do in the movie " Wanted" . Surpisingly, my facebook details come up top. And when i google my chinese name , more results relating to me come up. However , i still cant get full details of mine as suggested by the book " The World is Flat".
Peopled said that someone can create title under wikipedia that defame others. I tried wiki myself and found no results. Hmm... Should i create title under my name?
( people say results from google and wikipedia reflects one popularity and famousness, looks like i am not popular and famous enough, LOL)
y 831 not 916?
There may be several reason for that. First, as Malaysia political leaders, systems still concentrate on west Malaysia, the concept of Malaysia is defined based on west Malaysians point of view. Hence, it wouldn't be surprise as the west malaysian still thinking on themself that Malaysia ( not Malaya ) gained independence on August 31.
Second reason may be because of the conflicts between Malaysia and Singapore, Tunku Abdul Rahman and Lee Kuan Yew ( former singapore prime minister). When Malaysia was first found, the states include are Malaya, Singapore, Sabah and Sarawak. Tunku initially want to put the founding date to be august 31, which is his birthday or his lucky number. However due to certain problem, Tunku agreed to postponed the date to September 16 as suggested by Lee Kuan Yew, without knewing the fact that September 16 was Lee's birthday. Hence, it would be rather sarcastic if we celebrate lee's birthday, which once regarded as tunku and Malay's enemy in the past 60-an to 70-an.
Third reason maybe the ruling political party, UMNO, want to maintain their dominance trough emphasizing on independence of Malaya but not founding of Malaysia. As we both know, UMNO played a major role in pushing Malaya towards the independent state. However the founding of Malaysia would not be a success without the support and effort of the GERAKAN, sabah and sarawak's political leaders. Celebrating September 16 will some how weaken the political rightness for Umno to claimed the ruling of the nation as it no longer the sole core party in pushing Malaysia towards founding.
The fact that many Malaysians do not aware that september 16 is instead our national day bring worries that our thinking still remain on pre independence Malaya . Where what we care for is based on racial but the whole Malaysian. It wouldnt be surprise if the text books history, the sultanese system, political and diplomacy system are based on West Malaysian's . Opposed the fact that sabah and sarawak should have the equal rights and power not only on the surface, but also inside the content of Malaysia.
Hence, unless we put the importance of september 16 over august 31, the concept of " Malaysia for Malaysians " is just a dream.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Legacy of ashes ( book introduced )
As a consequences, not only it constantly failed to predict and foresee up and coming important event, the america gradually facing the aftermath of their covert action. Included are the rising of islam extremist original funded and supported by the CIA, the assassination of president John.F.Kennedy, and also waste of money, human and resource in the paramilitary action.
Apart from the publicize image that CIA is an almighty agency, it is surprise to know that few of the CIA officer knew the language, the culture and the history of the area they cover. Besides, since the analyst of information always altered to suit the political needs, CIA had constantly failed to predict the soviet nuclear bomb, invasion of Afghanistan by soviet, withdrawal from Afghanistan by soviet, 911 and many other more despite the fact they gather show clue to it.
Besides, the CIA constantly beaten, cheated by its enemy, the KGB. As it always lack competent officer and threatened by the penetration of double agent, spies, the CIA produce many more false information, gradually lead to the bombardment of chinese embassy , the killed of thousand of civilians in Iraq, Afghanistan and Sudan, which further damage the image of America in the eye of the world.
Malay Supremacy vs Islam Supremacy, interesting....
First, to counter the attempt of the opposition party led by Mr.A to overthrow the existing government, The party U inside ruling party proposed to form a collaboration with party P, under the name of Malay Reunion.
Threatened by this proposal, Mr. N. Aziz in party P counter back by proposing to form a whole new party based on Islam principle. i bet neither of the proposal will be realized in up coming time.
Indeed, Party P and Party U had collaborate before. However, due to different in principle, their " marriage " broke up. As party U focus on building a moderate islamic country which one race will have privilege, party P sought to build an islamic nation based on islam law which theoretically should teach all races equally.
On the other hand, the leaders in party U have their own position, power, and network of money. Dissemble the party and form a new party will mean all the leaders will need to start all over again, which do not guarantee their success. Hence, chance are little that they are willing to do so.
The situation here all depends on Mr. A and PKR, depends on whether Mr. A can grab a parliamentary seat, and gained enough support to form the new government . Whatever it is, it will not be good news for the minorities and democracy in country M, as both parties will continue to lean to the side of extremist to strengthen their support, like what happened during 2005 party U' s y0uth conference.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
A giant douche and turd sandwich- the political dilemma in a M country....
First, election is always a choice between giant douche and turd sandwich. In other words, the voter is always choose to vote between 2 rotten apple. The only different is that one apple rotten less, thats it.
For example, in a country M, the ruling party is well known of corruption, playing dirty trick( like sodomy, ISA etc), distributing sweeties during election time only, and wish to build a nation focus on one particular race only. While the opposition parties is known as hard to cooperate among each other, still not capable of ruling, and worse, starting to adopt the style and bad behaviour of the ruling party.
So, how do we choose between a giant douche and turd sandwich? A boy in southpark name Stanley Marsh faced the same dilemma as us before, and he gave the solution : Voted against those who threatening you during the election.
Besides choosing a leader, the meaning of the election is to sent a message to the future ruling party about what the voters dont want. In other ways, it served as the tool to control a government, especially in country M where there is always overlapping of power between execution , legislation and even juridical power. Which all of them are control by one party.
Hence, it will not be surprise when some member of ruling party threatened other races about reoccurring of certain event without being taken action. It will not be surprise that the federal government can punished the state government controlled by opposition party, ( like take away the petroleum tax, abandoned development plan, etc.) without receiving consequences.
Hence, election is the only way that we can do something to control the government. To be clear, in a country that exercising Westminster political system like country M, The existent of humble government servants, ensure that the shift of power after election go smoothly and thus reduce the damage when incapable politicians doing their jobs ( as for now). Hence, the parties compete in the election is always consist of giant douche and turd sandwich. The only difference is that we have to say no, when the ruling party goes wrong.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
As the start.
To Be Continue...