Friday, October 31, 2008

laptop = notebook

Very nice video XD


1。 很久没有用中文写东西了,今天练习一下,虽不能下笔如有神,但洒洒洋洋还是游刃有余。

2。 The game still On ! 长期追的光速蒙面侠,在今天泥们队击败teikoku alexander 后本应完结。然而作者却在结束语又留下了伏笔。。。。

3。 另一个系列,猎人X猎人,在断断续续十余年后,连载终于重开,其作者,正是幽游白书的画家富坚义博,然而根据他的性格,恐怕没多久又会断稿。

4。 另一套系列,欲望都市(gantz) , 在出版社的要求下从onemanga 的网站上移除了。。。。 :(

5. 这几天终于染上了新生流感(fresher flue ) , 从喉咙痛到伤风,相当不舒服。

6。 推荐一首歌,赶路,原唱者凡人二重唱,有兴趣的去搜狗搜吧,我这儿就不作盗连了。。。

7。 推荐一个不错的部落格,最好金龟换酒, 里面的文章很有意思,有兴趣的朋友请按右下连接。如果您发现有部落格也是很有意思的,烦请留言告知,大家交流分享。

8。 伦敦前几天下雪了,六月飞霜啊。 这几天的天气都很冷,郁闷中。

9。 这几天参加很多关于贫富的讲座,思考了一下,appropriate technology 对非洲的重要性和西方资本主义的弊端,然而我的能力只能蚍蜉撼大树,要改变,还得号召更多人才行。

10。 玉菱和山潜毕业,玮莹不留,剩下嘉仪和秋燕支撑,建国辩论队,又是时候重新开始了,“路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。。。

11。 今夜不谈政治,也不谈经济,祝君阅读愉快,睡眠安好。。。

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Omg, another week to wait for eyeshield 21 probably final episode.....

This week, with 2 point behind teikoku alexander, mushashi kun is going to kick an impossible 60 yards magnum shoot....

The chapter end when the kicking just about to start, when yamato kun is aiming to destroy the kick with his Ceasar Charge....

With much suspend remain ( trough not suspend at all coz according to previous plot, The Deimon Devil Bat will definitely win the christmas bowl) .... I Have to wait another whole long week to see the final ending....


What i done this week

Pretty usual, go class at 10, having tutorial, etc.

Went to sainsbury afternoon, Chin bought 5 kg of potatoes with 1.29 pound. The beginning of potato feast carnival.....

Day off due to commemoration day, sleep the whole day....

Another half day with 2 lectures at the morning, evening went for poker society, to learn how to play poker XD.....

Skip one lecture this morning, went for EWB ( Engineering without border) uk national conference at peak district , sheffield, evening. The journey take 5 hours, Omg. Meet a guy named Tom working in Glasgrow, a consultant firm related to water and sanitation system.

Saturday, Still at peak district sheffield.

Sunday, going back imperial at the evening, another 5 hr trip...OmG!

Some add-on.
The clocks turn back one hour during sunday morning, kind of weird......
If you curious about what EWB is, and what it do, i am posting it at my next post,
And yeah, havent really study yet....Omg

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

What does current economic crisis meant to a scholar like me?

The subprime crisis burst, results in economic fall down happened in America, and european country now, will have a long lasting effect to global economy. However, i am not going to look in into details but just estimate how will the economic crisis effect me.

Firstly, following the economic downfall, the rising of rent in sub london area will likely be reverse. Which is a good news for me as my monthly expense is going to reduced. However, economy downfall would mean unemployment rate goes up and less job available. Which will be bad if i am looking for second income.

Looking back to malaysia, the falling of international crude oil price recently, will greatly reduced the income of malaysian government by an estimate of 26 billion. Besides, as america economy falling, export from Malaysia to USA and other western country will fall too, which results in less tax for the government. If the government start to cut off expense, they either give less scholarship , change location for current scholar, or even drastically call back all the malaysian studied overseas. The latest happened before and i surely do not wish that to happened to me.

In othersway, JPA might cut the allowance rate to reduced expense. Lets hope that do not happened..... omg


Today is commemoration day.
As a result , i got a day free.
and tomolo and friday will be another 2 half day....
Good or bad?
i dont know.

Monday, October 20, 2008

The dilemma of Joe the plumber....

Would you support government raised tax on firm that earn over 250000 a year so that company make profit less than that can have a tax break?
The answer is yes if you know you cant make it, the answer is no if you know you will make it.

So problem, when do you know whether you will make it or not? When the economic is doing well, most people will be optimistic about their future, hence they wont support the plan. But when economy is going down, people will become pessimistic, hence they would support the plan.

Going back to the root of the problem, should the people who work hard to earn more, pay more tax and bear more social responsibility? I am not going to judge it , but some point of view....

First, the design of capitalism system is that people who work hard will earn more than the others. and hence, as a results, the rich appeared to be using more public resource ( ie, police, road, government service, etc) . Shouldn't they pay more?

Second, by contribute more , the rich help to create a better and fairer platform for the poor. So that they can have a same starting point, to avoid polarity in wealth distribution. History show that when wealth distribution are not equal, revolution tend to occur which harm the rich. Hence, by paying more, the rich are actually insuring their properties.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Just to post......

This few day had been so free that i waste too much time. Take today as example, i have class from 900 to 1100, afterthat all free at the afternoon. omg!

Anyway as chin am i start to cook, our cost per meal reduced dramatically, take yesterday for example, the dinner for 2 cost 70p for 2 cans, 40p for rice, 40p for soup, 30p for vege, and 10 p for miscellaneous, which mean one pound per person per meal .... Good for my pocket.

Anyway, coursework, tutorial, lecture required reading start accumulate now, which mean my free time will be faded away sooner or later, Isch....

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

something out of nothing....

First, Uk banking system is different from malaysia. Here, you onli given a paper stating your bank account number on it as a prove that you have open the bank acc. You cant even have your name on that sheets of paper.

Second, the amount of lecture receive , seem less compare to that in KmB and back in middle school. However, sometimes we got 2 hr off for lunch time, which is bad for those far away from home n finished tutorial n dont want to study type of people. Luckily, i still can go back home n cook something.

Third, wednesday is a halfday, but since class start at 900 or 1000 am, we actually have lecture for 4 and a half day only. Where we have much spare time left, which is good for those not so competitive course student.

Fourth, The good news, library virtually open 24/7 , though the books store looks small and concentrate on academic, still a good place to hang out at night. ( Though i havent visit it yet. )

Fifth, the price of goods. One day in saintsbury i saw box of orange (2L) sold in one pound, couple days passed when i visit it again, it sold in 2 pound. Have to get used to their pricing technic.

Monday, October 13, 2008

i am selling my friend, (advertise him actually)

Ok, His name is tecsun yeep. he probably is the best cg artist i met ( i onli met one cg artist so far, so ....:)
Here is some of his work, his photo matching....
First is his work...

Blackwell reconstruction in 3D by ~tecsun on deviantART
This is the original one, spot the difference?

and the video he made..

Alternatively, you can visit his blog or his works on the following website,

Btw, he still single and earning quite decent wage now, girls . Take your chance >.<

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Something abt speed...

and my friend gt this....

with 60 pound per term.

But i have a lower download and upload volume.
Anyway, want to download any movie?

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Going Down.....


首先, 道指收市创五年新低, 全球经济哀鸿遍野。
再来,原本预定2010退位的阿都拉提前下台。 为马来西亚的政局投下新的变数。

经济方面, 美国的次贷风暴持续蔓延, 先后3家最大投资银行的倒闭, 逼使美国政府提出救市,结果是纳税人,投资者, 借贷者, 都为不负责任的交易员买单。 经济低迷导致国际油价下跌, 然而在马来西亚,调降的油价却是有限。

政治方面,峰徊路转。 相信在最高理事的压力下( 特别是纳吉,慕尤丁,马哈迪势力的压力下), 阿都拉从原先的设定交棒期限, 到交换管辖部门,到展延党选,到宣布提前退位,处处展现了被动. 值得关注的,是阿都拉退位后, 原先在岳父光环下的凯里,其政治前途会否就此终结.

套句说书生的话,欲知详情, 且待下回分解....

My ist week in Imperial.

Saturday, moving in. Having boat party that night. But become bored for last hr. Spend some on pepsi , ya, one pound for a cup of pepsi.

Sunday, went to international student reception ( shouldnt go as much of the topic will be repeated ) , go for basketball freetry, ppl here very tall. Waste 3 hrs chasing my friends around high street kensington, my fault, shoudnt go .

Monday, mechanical engineering reception, nthing much happened.

Tuesday, open bank account. Fresher fair, sign up for many soc mailing lists. Which only show commitment to few soc. Night, go bowling and skating, again , food inside expensive.

Wednesday, math test, quite simple ( much of it learn before, and yeah, still remember). afternoon, go for tutor tryout. A couple of french brother and sister want to learn mandarin, although they found a professional teacher, still earn some from the session. :)

Thursday, Continue on group project. Meanwhile have a thinking skill assessment. ( imperial want to copy oxbridge by introduce a TSA for admission, so we become the white rat). Night have dinner in chinatown. Go to club named roadhouse and have our VIP card.

Friday, group project test out . The cantilever my group built can survive 3. 5 kg onli. Sad ...... and i sold my fresher ball ticket to people more interested in.

Today, spend morning for shopping, afternoon for ICUMS reception, and night here.....

Few thought. The internet socket here very sensitive, it works for some cable but not others. Put it simple, my cable works in chin's room socket but not mine, his one same too. So we exchange our cable.....

Internet here quite fast. It go up to 90 mbps for uk server. But unfortunately, pings is so high and speed dramatically reduce when connect to malaysia server and china server.

First week i spent too much on food, but when we start cooking ( mainly can food actually ) the cost reduced significantly. Which is a good news.

Anyway, spending still high this week, got to reduced it for the next week. Btw, there is an interesting program in laying down railroad in wales and the next summer placement for EWB( engineer without border ) is Tanzania, want to go?

Friday, October 3, 2008


This few days probably were the coldest day in my life so far. However, i still feel pain when walking around the whole day from 10.00 am to 6.oo pm, and getting nothing.....

Take todays for example, we head to earls court to wait for fren's punya fren's. we wait him to go high street kensington and coming back to earl's court, and go to some where around ucl , and when i realised, is already 2.oo pm and we doing nothing for past 4 hrs....

We visit 3 muzium after that, but as you can guess, what can you get for 4 hrs which including the transit time between the muziums. Although i wish to spend another day somewhere to explore each of the muziums, i probably wont visit them again for next four years.

And the worst thing is, i found that my math ability is loosing fast. And i just sent the wrong thing to a person, results in i might loosing for a online math competition. OMG!!! Need to gain back my strength fast.....

These few days have been spending too much money, and i havent get my cutnery set and pay for the fresher week ticket yet, and statement from imperial to open bank account still havent come yet.... guess have to tighten my belt for the next 3 weeks.....

Life wasnt that gud, hope things better when moved in to the hall....

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Is cold in London for autumn....
Is colder especially in the morning, when it is raining, or wind blowing....

And, the stuff here is rather expensive, when you convert it...
even if you dont convert, some food, especially chinese restaurant one, are quite expensive also...

Spent a lot of money these days,
First, 20 pound for a car from heathrow to london, and our driver is a producer for TV3, ( he do free lancing too)
next , 16.46 for malaysian hall, although 6 .46 per night is quite cheap compare to others hotels (we get like 3 star hotel's room ). is still unnecesary to spent it...
3 pound for an oyster card and 12 for top up,
subway here better than malaysia coz they put a maximum cap of 4.80 when travel in london, however, it still expensive
8.25 pound for a dinner in chinese restaurant, ( which i porbably wont eating there anymore)

Will try to save some money, Bread here like 50 p per loaf. Ermm...
Anyway, say hi to all.