Thursday, December 4, 2008

Some thing about my blog....

After 56 posts, although not much comments leave, :). Its a time to review and reinovate my blog.

1. Currently only one third of my blog is written in Chinese, so more will be coming.
2. Its seem that the topic covered are rather wide and random, maybe i should focus more.

Coming Soon :
1. Perhaps some articles in Malay,
2. More pic about life, friends, views, etc.
3. A better layout with more feature?

Updated list:
1. Add a feed list where i can view latest post from my friend.
2. Done labeling,
3. Add 3 more friends blogs.

Thats all, shall review again when posts reached 100 ++

1 comment:

iamlz said...

Hahah, looking forward for new changes in ur blog!