Wednesday, March 17, 2010

House , getting soap like?

I probably not in a position to demand more from the production team. But the newest episodes just prove to be....soap....

once more, with patient dying, organs and systems failing one by one, the mysteries was solved with some parasites from Egypt and an affair. Interesting but looks familiar? yes.

Cuddy, Chase , House, Wilson, Foreman, 13, Taub, the soap opera was mainly revolve about the characters. But a non-permanent role with a sub-sub supporting actor? No..,

No new line, Gone the fighting with Cuddy to get extreme operating procedure done episodes, and whats the whole black hole, hallucination and stanford physics things prepared for and nothing related to sympton? No...

I want the old hilarious and yet miserable House back...


Unknown said...

dont kacau la,still watching season 4 le.

Chin said...

try PPS dude...