Friday, July 24, 2009

我的财富讲座之三--------了解大萧条, 及各国都害怕的通货紧缩

一, 货币的概念。

一个人如果能专注于生产某样商品, 其生产效率必会提高。
因此, 许多人如果各自专注于生产各自不同的商品, 再通过某种媒介来交换, 就能在确保各自日常生活的情况下, 提高社会总体的生产力, 进而提高每个人的生活素质。

作为交换的中介物, 或我们称之为货币的东西, 必须具备, 便于携带, 价值稳定, 轻易分割的特质。 于是, 黄金这一稀有金属, 因为其特殊的光质, 长时期被作为交换货币。

二, 纸币和银行的概念

有时候, 当某人过度勤劳工作而导致获得的中介物--- 黄金过剩时, 他面临着太多黄金, 不便安全储存及携带的问题。

同时, 工业革命以后, 资本家在建立工厂/商店的初期运作中, 常常需要比其自身所有资本还更多的资金.

这时候, 银行就出现了。
它通过提供利息, 吸引普罗大众把辛辛苦苦赚到的黄金存进银行,
它再通过收取比存款更高的利息, 把资本借给有需要的资本家。

由于笨重的黄金不易流通, 所以银行发行一种金卷, 持卷者被担保可以在任何时候,黩回相同数额的黄金.
这表示, 在实际经济的运行中, 金卷的作用取代了黄金。
银行发行金卷借给企业, 或者是那些拿黄金来托管 (注意不是存款)的普罗大众。
企业用金卷来支付员工薪水, 员工再把金卷存入银行赚取利息, 银行再把金卷借给企业

这表示, 银行发行金卷的数量和银行本身拥有的黄金数量是挂钩的。
为了避免发行金卷的权利被滥用, 于是各国立法规定只有中央银行才有金卷/货币发行权, 同时货币的发行必须以一定比例的黄金作担保。

三, 货币和通货膨胀/紧缩的关系。


货币及其背后黄金的价格并不是 绝对 , 相反的, 是相对的
一旦货币的数量过剩, 产品价格就会相对上涨, 造成通货膨胀/inflation
一旦货币数量有限, 产品价格就会下跌, 造成 通货紧缩/deflation

四, 货币数量的变动

人类社会经济活动, 总是发展扩大中, 因此, 其对货币这个交换媒介的需求, 伴随经济活动而增加。

一是作为控制货币发行数量本身的物质, 黄金的增加
当黄金的生产赶不上社会对新流通货币的需求时,货币相对有限, 造成deflation.
当大量黄金被发现, 社会对新流通货币的需求赶不上时, 货币相对过剩, 造成 inflation.


出于某种考量, 中央银行发行货币时, 往往不需要为每一元货币提供同等值的黄金担保。
比如, 英国的情况是, 首七千五百万的货币发行不需黄金担保, 剩余必须完全以等值黄金担保
美国则是, 每一元货币必须以40巴仙的黄金担保
同时, 在存钱/放贷的经济过程中, 很多时候并不涉及纸币的转移。
其结果是, 市面流通的信用货币(包括流通的纸币, 及银行里的钱) 往往比银行拥有的黄金数额大很多。

因此, 一旦人们对银行产生信心危机, 进而争相把所持有的信用货币(不管是纸币或存款) , 转换成黄金的时候。
流通的信用货币, 往往以数倍于提款的黄金的速度萎缩。

五, 实际借贷成本 (real time borrow interest) 及其影响

企业向银行借钱, 有个固定利率, 现假设是10巴仙

如果现在是通货膨胀5 %, 表示企业的生产材料( 支出 ) 未来会上涨, 销售收入 未来会上涨。 企业如果现在借贷买生产材料, 以后可以销售更少的产品来还债, 表示实际借贷成本为 10 - 5 = 5 % 。
于是, 企业在实际借贷成本低, 或者为负的情况下, 会更倾向于消费及扩张。

如果现在是通货紧缩5%, 表示企业的生产材料( 支出 ) 未来会下跌, 销售收入 未来会下跌。 企业如果现在借贷买生产材料, 以后必须销售更多的产品来还债, 表示实际借贷成本为 10 + 5 = 15 % 。
于是, 企业在实际借贷成本高的情况下, 会倾向于减少支出



当中央银行的黄金存量下跌, 银行就会提高利息, 减少市面上的流通信用货币, 以维持金本制

当中央银行的黄金存量上升时, 银行就会降低利息, 增加市面上的流通信用货币。

实际上, 为了维护金本制, 银行在经济危机中, 往往必须采取和稳定市场背道而驰的行动

比如, 在1929年到1933年影响世界经济危机的大萧条初期。

1929年的美国华尔街股市崩盘, 造成经济低迷。 物价下跌
同时期, 因华尔街股市崩盘, 造成一系列资金投资在华尔街的欧洲银行面临信贷危机, 一波又一波的银行危机, 像多米诺骨牌般, 倒回美国。
由于金本制的限制, 当资金大量从银行体系撤离时, 流通信用货币大幅萎缩之际, 美联储不但没办法提供信用货币, 反而必须提高利息。
信用货币萎缩, 造成通货紧缩。
利息提高, 造成企业实际借贷成本提升, 企业减少支出, 进而裁员。
同时, 企业的行为造成失业率高升, 经济萎靡不振, 加大通货紧缩
通货紧缩反过来逼使借贷成本升高, 企业和民众减少消费。

credit crunch >> deflation >>>real time borrowing cost high >> corporation and consumer spending restricted >>> unemployment high >>> spending further cut >> deflation >>>



次贷危机, 首先是房产价格暴跌 (deflation )
由于美国民众百分之十的消费支出是靠抵押房子融资的, 房价下跌导致消费者支出下跌
同时银行信用紧缩, 消费者支出低迷, 导致企业减少支出并裁员,
进一步导致消费者支出低迷, 经济低迷

果成了因, 因又成了果。

七, 危机过去了吗?

消费者和企业的支出, 及银行放贷的选择, 其实是信心的问题。

如果大家对经济有信心, 增加支出, 那么经济会看起来好转, 转过来加强信心。
如果大家对经济没有信心, 转过来减少支出, 那么经济看起来更坏, 转过来减弱信心。

这个循环, 唯有当大家的预期和实际经济情况天马行空时, 才会被打破。

吸取了大萧条的教训, 各国政府目前火力全开, 一方面加大银行体系的信用支持, 一方面推出大规模振新经济配套。

尽管最新一季America企业业绩表现超乎预期, 但在America 失业率预计很长时间维持在10%, h1n1的影响, 及石油价格回升的情况下, America 消费者支出持续低迷。 以出口为导向的经济, 估计最少需要一年才能复苏。

因此, 目前的股价回升, 并不是基本面的改善, 而是投资者的乐观情绪, 公积金, 国库控股及国民投资基金进场救市, 及银行借贷成本低廉的结果。

马来西亚综合指数能否站稳在一千点, 关键在第二季的经济指标及企业业绩, 是显示最坏已过, 还是正在进行中。

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Reading notes : Lords of Finance (part 4)

Deflation or Devaluation : A painful way to return to gold standard.

All currency issue must be backed by some liquidate material, such as gold .This was the school of taught that received by all major central bankers after first world war.

After the war, there was universal consensus among bankers that the world must return to the gold standard as quickly as possible.

Every nation involved in war, faced the dilemma. For all had resorted to inflationary finance to a greater or lesser degree. There were essentially two way to restore the past balance between the value of gold reserve and the total money supply.

Deflation : done by contracting the amount of currency in circulation .
Painful, as involved a period of dramatically tight credit and high interest rates, which bound to recession and unemployment.

Good as it save investor and savers, but will ultimately hurt them back when recession .
Taken by UK and US

Devaluation, formally devalue the money. A disguised form of expropriation, which cheat the investors and creditors out of the true value of their savings.

Good as it save business and government out of local debit, but as value of saving decrease, the central bank ruined their reputation and eventually resorted to devaluation which inturn create unstable economy.
Taken by France and German.

The limited of gold supply and the imbalance in gold reserve were deemed to cause unstable in the economic condition.

efore the war, the 4 major economy operate on 5 billion worth of gold.
After war in 1923, the monetary gold around 6 billion dolar.
With 2/3 concentrate on US.
Price in US and Uk still 50 % higher than pre war level, hence the real purchasing power of gold had contracted by almost 25 %.

Norman tried to persuade other central banker to substitute pound as gold. ( as the US did today )
Us remained the only country circulating gold coin after 1923.

The gold standard work in 19 th century as new mining discoveries had fortuitously kept pace with economy growth.
Besides, the commitment that paper money could be converted into something unequivocally tangible like gold is the pass.

Inflation, a subtle mechanism for transferring wealth between social groups, from savers, creditors, and wage earners to the government , debtors, and businessmen.

For Norman, gold standard is one of the pillar of a free society. Like property rights or habeas corpus, which had evolved in the western liberal world to limit the power of the government . ( Its power to debase money ) .

The monetary policy of Fed changed by Strong :
- to stabilize the price
- fine tune the economy by supply more credit when economy weak and contract credit when economy are strong.
- by buying or selling government securities from its portfolio, the Fed could directly and immediately alter the quantities of money flowing through the banking system.

German in 1923

Tax avenue account for 10 % of government expenditure, the rest filled by the printing of money.

Currencies had to be backed by a highly liquid , easily transferable, international acceptable asset, such as gold.

The Reichsmark became so worthless that the government was able to buy back its many trillion of debit. Valued at 30 billion when first issued, for only 190 million Rentenmark, equivalent to about 45million dollar

Though the Rentenmark was for the moment stable, it was not yet acceptable to foreigners, and hence could not provide the basis for loans to import goods from abroad.

Britain, refusing to inflate its way out of debt or to allow its currency to collapse, had been rewarded with the highest unemployment rate in Europe and a limping economy.

By contrast, France had been invaded during war, suffered the highest ratio of casualties of any country other than Serbia, and seen large tracts of its most productive land leveled and destroyed.
France resorted to inflation to lighten the burden of debit and to a weak franc to steal a march on the british by cheaping their goods.
Exports boomed, number of unemployment low.

Return to gold might be interest of city financiers, but not for the merchant, the manufacture , the workmen, and consumer ---- Winston Churchill

Indication : by tying pound to gold, no way for Britain to devalue its currency to ease local depression pressure, or for its goods to compete internationally.


When war broke out and the very survival of the nation was threatened, the Banque, like all other European central banks. Voluntarily subordinated itself to its government, and obligingly printed whatever money was needed to finance the colossal effort. But unlike the Reichsbank, within a few months of the end of the war, it reasserted its independence and refused to go on filling the gap between government spending and tax revenues.

In between 1925 and 1926, fearing of France bankruptcy, the franc exchange rate keep on falling,
The ability of government to finance itself in question , given the overhang of 10 billion in short term debit,
( equivalent to 100% of GDP )

However , it was the psychology of fear-- a generalized loss of nerve --- that seemed to have gripped French investor and was driving the downward spiral of the franc.
Risk was that international speculators, those traditional bugaboos of the left, would create a self-fulfilling meltdown as they shorted the currency in the hope of repurchasing it later at a lower price. Thereby compounding the very downward trend that they were trying to exploit.

At one point during the war, the British had tried to pursuade the Banque de France to ultilize some of its gold for the war effort. What was the point, they asked , of building up a reserve if not to use at times of crisis.

The tough stance adopted by US government, particularly congress, over repayments of war debts had aroused much bitterness in France. Casualties of Frenchmen during the war had been twenty times that of Americans.

July 1926, as franc reversed its fall
Moreau, recognized the choice of the exchange rate ultimately determined how the financial burden of the war was to be shared.
The level of franc is going to be settled, not by speculation or the balance of trade, or even the outcome of the Ruhr adventure, but by the proportion of his earned income in which the French taxpayer will permit to be taken from him to pay the claims of the French renties ---- Maynard Keynes

The higher the Banque de france let the franc rise, the higher would be the value of government debt, the better for the French rentier and the worse for the taxpayer.
Hence, fixing the exchange rate was a matter of balancing “ the sacrifies demanded of the different social classed in the population”.

Every country in Europe to emerge from war had faced the same issues.
Britain had chosen one extreme: to impose most of the burden on taxpayers and to protect its savers.
Germany had chosen the opposite extreme : the way of pathological inflation, which had wiped away its internal debts at the price of annihilating the savings of its middle classes.

Banque de franc start intervened the Franc exchange rate at 25 to one dollar.
French goods were among the most competitive in the world; exports were booming, while prices were stable.
By the middle of 1927, waves of French capital that had fled to London or New York had washed back home, allowing the Banque to accumulate a foreign exchange war chest of 500 million dollars, most of it in pounds.

Moreau’s mistake was to assume that the value of currency of a major economic power, such as France, the fourth largest industrial economy in the world, was a matter of it alone.
Exchange rates, by their very nature, involve more than one side and are therefore a reflection of a multilateral system.
Moreau’s decision to fix the franc at an undervalued rate would eventually help to undermine the stability of the very standard to which he had now hitched his currency.

The Gold standard did offer a traditional safety valve for dealing with shifts in gold holdings. The shrinkage of reserves in the country losing bullion was supposed to lead to an automatic contraction in credit and a rise in interest rate, which would thereby shrink its buying power , while attracting money from abroad. Meanwhile, the country gaining gold would find its credit expanding and its capacity to spend increasing, thus induce inflation , reduce interest rate and encourage import which causing gold to flow out. .

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Reading notes : Lords of Finance (part 3)

The aftermath of the war and the problems
The war ruined the major industrial economies involved.
All major economies in world contracted. France n german ( 30 % ) , Uk ( 5 % ) . Onli Us expand.

With all the European country seriously need time for recovery, they were haunted by financial burden which linked each other and the Unites states.

The Treaty of Versailles that German forced to bold on was called The Diktat. include Disarmament, didmemberment, occupation and reparations.

Over above, the major problem is the reparation that German Forced to pay the Allies. As the Allies claiming Reparation to high ( $24billion dollar, roughly twice the GDP of German ) .

John Maynard Keynes, “ The economic Consequence of the Peace”. argue that
- in order for Germany to earn the money to pay the Allies, it would have to sell more goods, than it bought., and its trade partners would have to be willing to absorb this large influx of goods, with potentially crippling consequences for their own industries.

A brief account on the text book German hyperinflation history as follow.
All country finance their war through means of printing more money, causing inflation.
After war, large budget deficit in Germany prolonged the printing of money , causing inflation further up.

In early 1923, the budget deficit double to 1.5 billion dollar, more money printed.
Inflation occur so fast that , central bank need to print more money to meet dosmestic needs. Which in return pushing inflation further up.
August 1923: a dollar worth 620, 000 marks,
Early November 1923, a dollar worth 630 billion. ( as in Hungary 1945-46, and Zimbabwee recently , But German Was the third largest economy in the world. )

Consequence, inflation wipe away the internal debit, both in government and private sector.
However, Those middle class who have invest bond in government hit worst.

The Allies European country was burden with war debit they owed America during the war period.

to pay for the war, all Europe country have to borrow money abroad , which cause a seismic shift in flow of capital from US to Europe.

Uk owed Us around 5 billion, where Uk lend 3 billion to france and 2.5 billion to Russia ( Defaulted by Russian after Bolshevik revolution.)

The US tried to separate war debit with reparation,

Uk, to eager to settle the debit, agree to pay 80 cent out of a dollar around 1922.
While France and Italy hold on, they get a better deal . France ( 40 cent), Italy ( 24 cent )

In 1923, the united state had washed his hand on European’s Affair. ( compare to Marshall Plan draw on by World War 2. )

The tough stand that U.S taken on demanding debit from UK and France proven to be causing the financial instability of these country, which shall be discussed later.

Reading notes : Lords of Finance (part 2)

Intro : War, as we see it, not only is a battle of human, weapons, but also a battle of economy.

1. Uk, Austria, German, France, Russia are interrelated that , European credit system rely on each other, and London, as a center of finance , provide credit to Europe and America.

2. When war break out, possible that Uk banker loose everything. London had to suspend stock exchange.

German :
1911 Agadir crisis, German decided to confront France over the occupation of Morroco, stopped by the ability of Banks to finance a European War.

Several measure taken, build up gold reserve, reduce deposit by foreign investor.

Us :

As outbreak of war, Us was the Largest importer of capital in the world.

Central bank in America, twice in 1791-1811, 1816-1836, then 70 years without central bank until October 1907 when a bank run occur.
Glass bill, the creation of twelve local federal reserve bank, and a board of federal reserve elected by president . But New york remain largest and dominant( 2.5 times second large Chicago , 10 times smallest Minneapolis . )

The Balkan crisis at 1914, July cause a public panic, a bank run.
However, Banque De france had the largest gold reserve in the Europe, around 800million of bullion.

General mobilization in france. Meanwhile, the gold reserve in Paris was move to other place.

1914- 1918

Everyone thought war will end soon when the source of finance dry up.
However, this is not a case when over 18 million people mobilize at the end of 1915.

The three way Government finance their war
1. Taxation ( Uk)
2. Bond sells ( france )
3. Printing more money.

In Uk, Banks were founded in 1694 war time to finance the war of the league of Augsburg against France.

For all the country involve in war, one of the measure taken to finance their war is by printing money , however as currency notes in circulation increase, this tends to bring inflation as more money after the same goods.
The notes circulate in war double for uk, tripled for France. Which bring equivalent inflation.

German raised 10 % of 47 billion spent on war on tax, with no supplicated financial market, rest of it funded by printing money . ( fourfold in market circulation )

In Us,
The war demanded U.S supply and materials, which in turn cause a large deposit of gold, more money circulate lead to a boom .

After the war, the position Of Us economy to the rest of world change. Where Fed reserve, which dunnot act actively financing government bills of the war, maintain its credibility and largest gold reserve to play the key role in restoring of gold standard.

Reading notes : Lords of Finance (part 1)

The book "Lords of Finance --- 1929, the greatest depression and the bankers who broke the world " carried extensive study on the cause, events and people before , around and after the famous Great Depression that haunted the world during early 1930s.

Written by Liaquat Ahamed, the book introduce the cause of credit crunch due to the rigid gold standard, although not similar but familiar with today's credit crunch that swept the world in 2008.

Caution 1, these posts are intended to be my reading notes provided brief overview of the book. Those who are interest in the more details please look for the original version of the book.

Caution 2, due to laziness of me, i will not reference most part of my particle. Please informed me any intellectual property or copyright infringement and i sincerly apologize for all damage cause.

Background information
The four man in the middle of crisis.

Montagu Collet Norman ----- governor of bank of England
Benjamin strong ---- new york federal reserve bank
Hjalmar Schacht ---- Reich bank
Emile moreau --- banque de france

The key to world economy is global financial system, where before the crisis, the government lay the job to the bankers.

At time, all major currency were on the gold standard, which tied a in value to a very specific quantity of gold

Pound sterling ---- 113 grains of pure gold,
Dollars ---- 23.22 grains

paper money was legally obligated to be freely convertible into its gold equivalent, and each of the major central banks stood ready to exchange gold bullion for any amount of own curreny.

Most of the monetary gold in the world, almost two-thirds, did not circulate but lay buried deep underground, stacked up in the form of ingots in the vaults of bank, most of them in central bank. Which determine the reserves for the banking system, determine the supply of money and credit within the economy.

In order to ensure the privilege of printing money not abused, each one of the central banker was required by law to maintain a certain amount of gold bullion as backing for its paper money.

Thus, when gold accumulate in vaults, interest rate lower to reduce cost of credit, which pump more money to the system.
When gold are rare, interest rate raise to increase cost of credit, the amount of currency in circulation contracted.

Cons, monetary policy adjusted to maintain gold standard, despite possible disruption to real time economy,
Pros, inflation remain low.

Role of central bank, lender of last resort which suppose to restore confident towards the banking system . Especially during banks runs and banking crisis, such as the one in 1907, America.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

This isn't a joke. On something introduce.

当一个人失去批判自己/批判别人的能力时,不管其保持的信仰多么冠冕堂皇, 其必将走向坠落。

不管是凯因斯或是马克思, 甚至是牛顿和爱因斯坦, 其思考有时候也会有出错的时候。

夸张点说,人本身就注定有犯错的时候, 不管是行为上的还是思想上的。 唯有认清这一点, 我们才能避免盲从。


有魔戒的中文译者, 台湾麻省理工學院開放式課程中譯計劃主持人, 敢于批评学者李家同的宅王朱学恒

有身材壮硕, 中国后现代新评论家之一的和菜头

有中西文化专家, 联合国工作者的翟华

有台湾知名作家, 《白色巨塔》,《大医院小医师》的侯文咏

也有女性政治评论家, 最近才接触的醉钢琴

我在他们的博客里吸收了养分, 期望有一天能开出自己的花朵

This is a joke. ( On city square cinema Wi fi system )

to attract customer,
they install the free wifi.
But they forget that, as laptop user will spend hours surfing the net. they need the plug.
Without the plug, laptop users will go other place instead.
Hence lost the avenue when users buying drinks when feel thirsty.
How smart are they?
TO City Square cinema which refused to lend their plug to the customer.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

<变形金刚二> --- 你还能要求什么?

我不在乎Megan Fox 有否展现其性感, 或是其有点夸张的尖叫。

我也不在乎Shia LaBeouf 的戏中的自我膨胀, 及天真的近乎白痴的使命召唤。

我更不在呼 Ramón Rodríguez , John Turturro, Kevin Dunn and Julie White, John Benjamin Hickey 的丑角演出有否令人发笑, 抑或是那句开猪玩笑的话。

我只在呼的, 是电影的主角, 擎天柱,大黄蜂, 威天霸等, 有否更亮丽的演出。

显然的, 在更成熟的CG 应用, 更娴熟的画面处理, 更多的机器人出场的情况下, 变形金刚二, 让人看了直呼过瘾。

享受完这个视觉和听觉响宴, 谁还在乎剧情的合不合理?

<人民公敌>--- 好可惜称不上伟大

Robin Hood 文化为什么深受英国大众喜爱? 因为在大众都处于贫穷, 被剥削的状态下, 任何劫富济贫的行为, 哪怕是非法的, 都帮大众出一口怨气。

同理, 大萧条时代, 法治还不完善, outlaw 横行的年代, 一个恶名昭彰的抢银行大盗, 毫无意外的成为媒体的宠儿, 普罗大众的偶像。 Intriguing 的故事, 配合海盗 johnny Depp 的大盗,Christian Bale 的正义形象。
出色的演员, 枪战,造型, 铺陈。 造就了一部好电影。

然而, 还不算伟大。

差别在于电影的主题。 在把John Dillinger 塑造其传奇人物的形象中, 导演意图以一个正面的角度来看待这个枪匪。 然而, 尽管掩盖了抢劫时, 越狱时的暴力, 主角的正面形象却得不到更多的行为支持。 相比之下, 同样背景由Tom Hanks 主演的 The road to perdition, 主角michael Sullivan 的杀手形象, 就Appalling 多了。。。







造成了156 死亡, 1080 受伤的乌鲁木奇维吾尔暴动。

表面上, 是失去理智的人们

背后, 是日益加深的种族嫌隙, 以及缺乏包容, 实事求是的社会精神。

更深一层的, 直指权力单位的政策不当, 及言论控管后营造的相信传言的氛围。

当民众宁愿相信网络也不要和政府求证时, 社会的崩溃已经是在悬崖边了。

Friday, July 10, 2009

Video response to financial crisis.

还记得我以前关于次贷的Post 吗?

Youtube 目前有高人制作了视频, 解析更清辟。