Monday, March 30, 2009


Monday, March 23, 2009


今日南洋标题, 一如巫统与时并进 希山:董教总须改变








姑不论巫统有无与时并进, 光看希山大人的话语, 不得不感慨, 当官就是好啊。

董教总要见首相, 要见教长, 要谈的什么议题, 大家都心照不宣。

希山要董教总处理教育课题靠量整体教育情况云云, 弦外之音, 大家也心照不宣。

只是下官不明白, 怎么叫有诚意?

难道亲发邀请函, 可是给教育部的下属挡了, 叫做没诚意?

难道对会谈有所期待也叫没诚意? 照这样的逻辑, 当初国父赴英国的独立谈判在英国人眼中也没有诚意?

难道商谈事关六百万国民的华小和独中发展问题, 叫做没有建设性?

难道关心郊区及城市六万友族就读的华小, 叫做没有超越种族?

难道商讨百年树人的教育大业, 叫做不以国家建设为重?


怎样的斗争方式才是与时并进? 董总目前的斗争方式如何不妥?

再说, 我国整体教育格局又是如何? 难道这个格局就注定使华小不能增建,不能获得发展拨款, 华校建设还要华社掏钱吗?

董教总再不济,至少也是个代表全国华校教师的组织, 贵为教育部长, 为什么就三番四次托词不见呢? 难道和巫统党员打交道而非教育相关人士, 才是一个教育部长的职责?

也对, 希山大人若是不幸败北, 可就官位不保了。 可悲的是一个全民的教育部长是有全国人民算少数的巫统党员决定的。。。。 那尊贵的马华, 以前骂坛出名的笔杆子老翁, 你们的协商协商在哪?

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Best job in the world! Sabahan please vote for her!

Its sound lame..... But still need to say it anyway.

Ok, Australia government is currently recruiting a watcher for THE Great Barrier Reef.
here are the benefits.

Living above the Great Barrier Reef for six months is a pretty unique benefit, but you’ll also be well-paid – a salary package of AUD$150,000 for a six-month contract. Plus, your accommodation will be provided on Hamilton Island. And there’s plenty of room if you choose to share your experience with a friend or your family.

Is alluring isn't it. And Our fellow sabahan dare to contemplate in the game.

Well, she propably not that 'attractive', which reflects on her votes collected so far. But who cares? As soon as sabahan rocks!

All you need is your email for confirmation to vote. Lets show them Malaysia Boleh!!!


Btw link of her video

Why people still taking more subjects? Despite urge on limiting....

As titled.

There are several possible reason.
First , the students are too smart, that they want to challenge themselves and see if they can outsmart Amalina( the current record holder for most straight A of SPM).

Second, peer pressure. Just because my friends take more i need to take more as i am afraid of loosing.

Third, guardian pressure. Either the parents forcing, or some school principle forcing to take more. Well, they dont actually 'force' it, they just actively encourage students to take more....( like my previous school...:( )

Fourth, Scholarship pressure 。For Bumi , nope. For Chinese and Indians, yes. Although in JPA selection for scholarship criteria, 15A1 and 10A1 carries the same weight( they used to told us) , 15A1 and 10A1 carries different 'political weight' in terms of arguing.

Fifth, just wanna learn more. ( Nah ......bullxxxx,)

So question , who to blame for?

Ofcourse you cannot blame the students, they just white rat follow the social experiment.

You cannot blame their parents too. Which parents dont want their child to be excellent and grab a scholar to lighten family burden?

You can't blame the School neither, principal are responsible for school reputation( especially for some CIS, dont asked me what is CIS ) . They just doing whatever legal and appropriate mean to build the reputation up.

You also can't blame the Education department, Scholarship giver blah blah blah. How are they going to distinguish smart and mediocre students and allocate the right education resource.

If you want to blame, blame the statistic and social expectation.

We want the education department worth our tax payer money. We also wants the performance of students rise ( particular the parent's student ) rise to justify the cost, tax, money , tuition fee etc we invest on it. The minister and people in education department want to see improvement in students' performance to show the education system runs well.

Therefore here we go, every year, under pressure of students, parents and society complaining the exam questions were too hard, the education department keep on changing the syllabus, exam format and even the exam question standard so that students can get mark more easily. When students failed, to make the statistic looks better, they lower the benchmarks. Hence, so many people can work hard and get As that we hardly distinguish between smart and hardworking with mediocre and hardworking. Hence, students need to distinguish themselves so that they can be better than others.

The cause, however, is the limiting education resource available( especially for non-bumi ) . Not to mention the hard to get in Medicine department in national university, but also the oversea scholarship available. Things do change recently,
but based on 20 years of previous culture and the likeliness of JPA to cut scholarship due to financial hardship, altitude towards more As maintained. 

The solution?
First, restored the public confidence toward the standard of the exam, by never lower the bench mark so much! 

Second, reform middle school education system. Compared with singapore, we are lagging one year behind when entering uni. For some government sponsor scholar, they are even two year behind their mates in oversea uni.

Possible methods include, shorten the lifespan from 5 yrs to 4 yrs. Change some compulsory subject , like Moral into community service kind of certificate requirement( so that we dont have to redo it on BTN ) .Make history a selection after PMR, abolish EST , you sure get more slots in timetable to concentrate on the hardcore subjects.

Thirds, build more uni and maintained their standard so that people dont always looking for oversea studies. Limiting the current government Scholarship available but make it fair for everyone to compete. I am fairly sure the bumis can outsmart the Chinese and Indians anyway.

When i saw the news below, i totally stunned.
' Effective last year, Alimuddin said students who took the Principles of Accounting subject and obtained good results would receive international recognition.

“This is for Level Two of the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) and exemptions from sitting for a Certified Accounting Technician One (CAT 1) paper under the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants qualifications,” he said.

Of the 87,355 students who took the Principles of Accounting subject, he said 30,046 obtained the LCCI certification while 20,347 obtained exemptions for the CAT 1 paper.

It starts 2007! Can anyone tell me how to get my LCCI exemption using my Principal account certificate?

Also, if there aren't specific program targeting those students, are they going to works?

God knows.

Sunday, March 8, 2009



才刚开始第一堂课没多久后, 幼儿园教师蕾贝卡.阿德勒 (Rebecca Adler) 忽然间丧失语言能力并摔倒在地上。 詹姆斯.威尔森医生(Dr James Wilson) 试图让不信任人的格雷戈里.豪斯(Dr Gregory House) 医生接受这单案子。 对案子觉得无聊的House, 再听说Rebecca 是James 的外甥后决定改变初衷。 电梯间, 医院院长丽莎.卡蒂医生(Dr Lisa Cuddy) 接触House 并试图逼使后者完成他应做的门诊时数。 House 拒绝并匆忙离去。 然而当House的手下试图为Rebecca进行磁核共振扫描时,发现House使用医院设备的权利被终止了。 这逼使House 向Cuddy 屈服, 答应完成他的门诊工作。

在进行磁核共振扫描时, Rebecca 的呼吸道突然紧闭,逼使House的手下, 罗伯特.查斯医生(Dr. Robert Chase) 和爱丽森. 卡美伦医生(Dr. Allison Cameron) 进行气管切开术。另一边厢, 在诊所里为一个十二岁患哮喘病的小男孩治疗中, House 责骂男孩那因为担心过多化学物会破坏健康而不让前者固定使用呼吸器(inhaler) 的妈妈。 当中, House 获得灵感并推断Rebbeca 患上了原发性脑血管炎。 在进行类固醇的治疗后, Rebecca 的病情短暂好转。

在House的坚持下, 神经科专门爱立克.佛勒门医生(Dr. Eric Foreman) 和Cameron 闯进Rebecca的家以寻找和Rebecca病症(癫痫,言语障碍症, 呼吸道收缩)有关的线索。 他们找到了开装的火腿, Foreman 因此推断Rebecca 不是Wilson 的外甥(因Wilson 是犹太人, 而犹太人不吃火腿和猪肉)。对Wilson的谎言并不介意的House, 据此推断Rebecca 因为吃了未煮熟的猪肉, 让绦虫的囊(larva)经血液寄居在脑内, 得了脑囊虫病。 Rebecca 在没有证据下拒绝疗程。 经过一番拉锯后, Chase 提出X光照谢患者腿部来寻找 绦虫的囊。 在亲眼目睹了证据后, Rebecca 接受疗程, 解决了案子。


Everybody lies)
治疗病症是我们成为医生的原因, 治疗病人是让医生痛苦的根源。
Treating illness is why we become doctor, Treating patient is whats makes most doctors miserable)
就如哲学家贾格所说的, 你不能总是获得你想要的事物
Like the philosopher Jagger once said,You can’t always get what you want


Foreman 问幼儿园小女孩:你们这里有宠物吗?
小女孩 :没有。
过后, 小女孩:你需要嗅嗅鹦鹉吗?
Foreman : 你刚说这里没有宠物?
(You said you done have any pet in your class)
小女孩:鹦鹉是鸟(言下之意,鹦鹉 不是宠物)
(Parrot is a bird

当House 和Cuddy 争执后, Cuddy 跑上楼梯, House 意识到自己不可能跟上时。 (House 的右腿大腿部分肌肉坏死, 导致他变成瘸子)
House(对着Cuddy 喊): 人们曾经给那些瘸子更多的尊敬。
People use to have more respect for cripples you know
House ( 转过头看到一个坐轮椅的病人): 他们并不如此。
(They didn’t really)


虽然是试播集。然而导演已开始就点明了,你将看到一个和普罗大众耳熟能详的医生形象截然不同的人物。 House , 一个逃避和病人接触, 并拒绝相信人文关怀的人, 却有着跳跃式的推理逻辑能力。 很难想象如House 这样反人类的人物是如何成型的, 更难想象的是这样一个表面上反人类的居然成了一个大医院里诊断部门的头头。 尽管只是试播, 六七个各有特色的角色出现, 却让人对此剧的未来有所期待。 而House 和医院女院长Cuddy 的办公室斗法, 肯定会成为吸引人的看点。


治疗病症是我们成为医生的原因, 治疗病人是让医生痛苦的根源。

在社会日益要求医师及整个医疗体系体现更多的人文关怀时,House 点出了问题的症结.
和病人接触(情感上的)会不会影响医生的判断, 进而威胁到病症的诊疗?
患者要的, 是一个在你病危时给你鼓励的医生, 还是一个正确诊断病情, 并使你起死回生的医生?
或许大家都希望两全其美, 然而著贾格的名言告诉我们, 你总不能获得你想要的。 (未完待续)

Video: The world builder.

very nice video.
shot in high quality so might be slow when viewing.