Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Video of Malaysians Detained in Heathrow Airport

Watching the video make me totally sick,
not only to those Malaysian, but to those Immigration Staff as well.

From the video, it was clear that they got money to spent in a week. They knew where to go. They gt one friend who knows English. But they are suspicious because one of them confuses Paris and London.

ON the other way, the immigrant officer are kind of stupid and little bit arrogant.

First thing you want to know whether a tourist will be illegal immigrant is checked for their return airticket. Clearly the immigration officer didnt shown to do so.

Secondly, looking at the record of the previous passport and passport holding now. Make a note on the date and place visited. A good record of a man traveling lots of country shows high possibility of a tourist, not an illegal immigrant.

To the 马来西亚小贩出身又有钱出去玩的大老板。。。。

学一下英文吧, 虽然政府告诉我们马来文如何重要, 出到国外, 尤其是英语系的国家, 英语才是王道。 既然有钱去那么多国家旅行, 为什么不投资下自己, 学学英文。

英文不好也不打紧, 出游之前, 总要做下计划, 资料收集, 了解要去的地方。 不然你以为有钱就万事通了吗?

就算英文不好不做资料搜查, 好歹跟个团吧,有人罩着, 打点好关系总比莽撞的好。

三样都不会, 就别怪移民局官员狗眼看人低。要了解英美欧洲这些通过殖民和资本主义站在世界经济金子塔上层的国家最怕的就是人家非法移民来抢饭碗。

Kepada sesiapa yang bertanggungjawab mengawas perantaraan Sabah dan Sarawak.
Tengoklah bagaimana orang lain buat, tolonglah jangan terlalu simpati terhadap kawan-kawanmu yang menyeludup daripada Indonesia dan Filipina, Lagi jangan bagi mereka identiti dan passport malaysia pula, inilah kesudahan apabila terlalu banyak orang menjadikan Malaysia sebagai batu lonjatan mereka.

Although not intended to insult anybody, i appologize to those who feel offended

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